do i wanna know

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Jeongguk sighs, bent over his desk, staring at one of the contracts his assistant sent for him to look over. It's late but he's not tired, more so just mentally exhausted from constantly staring at the exact same words.

He's had enough of looking over his father's divorce case — the more he's been looking into it the more frustrated he would get, so he decided it would be best to try and focus on something else, at least for a little while. To just check up on his clients back in the UK, make sure everything was running smoothly. It was. Which kind of made it a little frustrating for him — knowing that there were no other issues he needed to focus on. Because everything was being  _ handled.  _

Normally, if he was out on a vacation or some sort of a business trip, this is exactly what Jeongguk would want, exactly what he would expect.

Now, he was kind of hoping something would go wrong — just so he could focus on fixing that instead. Just so he could feel like he's good at what he does. It's not that he necessarily started doubting himself, though.

It's not that his confidence was entirely shaken or that he thought he was a trash lawyer or anything like that — he just needed an ego boost. Because the more he looked at his father's divorce case, the less everything made sense and it frustrated him beyond belief.

The good news was, he managed to lay off his father and actually spend some quality time with him in the past couple of weeks. He generally seemed in better spirits and as much as he hated to admit it, and it helped Jeongguk feel a lot better too.

His father dealt with pressure by burying himself in work — a trait Jeongguk most definitely inherited.

To be fair, between spending time in the office until late at night and spending time with him on the weekends, Jeongguk was reminded how much work and family time can regenerate a person and honestly — his father looked so,  _ so  _ much better than he did when Jeongguk first arrived around a month ago.

He stretches over his desk and winces a little as flashbacks from a few weeks ago hit him, being bent over the desk in Jimin's office, his hand firmly wrapped around the back of Jeongguk's neck, pinning him down as he— Jeongguk squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head, chasing the thoughts away. His skin breaks out into goosebumps and he shudders, straightening himself in his seat, arching his back and fixing his posture.

He entirely ignores the burn that settles in the pit of his stomach, the way it pleasantly stings, because — because it's not right. He shouldn't be thinking about that. And thinking about that shouldn't feel  _ good. _

He tries to focus his attention back onto the contracts but there are too many thoughts swirling in his head and all it does is make him feel hot and tingly all over. Jeongguk uncomfortably cracks his neck to the side, his t-shirt suddenly feeling too tight around him.

God, he hates this. He really does. It's been happening ever since that night —  something would trigger the flashbacks and then he'd just get hot flashes, start feeling all tingly and excited and just. He hates it, because he doesn't want it to make him feel that way.

He should probably be  _ livid  _ over the fact that it was all a setup, that nothing about it was genuine, that it was all just a game. He should be, but he's not. And that was even more frustrating — as if Jeongguk didn't have a million things he was getting frustrated over on the daily. He used to think about it a lot — the way he'd always find  _ something  _ that would piss him off,  _ something  _ that'd trigger his anger or annoyance. It died down over the years, especially after puberty had passed — and Jeongguk had learned to set his temper aside in order to get things done.

But this, all of this — felt a little too personal. His family's money was on the line, half of his father's empire, and even  _ Jimin,  _ especially now after they... well, fucked.

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