make it right

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Jeongguk gulps. His heart travels all the way up to his throat and he looks back at Jimin, unsure of what to say. Or where to start.

It's been silent for a while now, ever since Jimin dropped that bomb on him:  _ I want you to tell me about your mother. I want you to open up to me.

He wasn't entirely sure if he was ready. He wasn't entirely sure if he could. It's been so,  _ so long  _ since he had opened up to anyone that wasn't Namjoon or Seokjin or  _ Yoongi —  _ the one who understood him best, especially when it came to issues that specifically related to his mother.

Yoongi had lost his mom at a young age too, and he could always relate to him the most. He just got it. Not that Namjoon or Seokjin or say Hoseok weren't there for him, but they didn't understand it on the same level Yoongi did.

Jeongguk hasn't really talked to anyone else about it. Well, Yoongi and his therapist back in the UK that Seokjin suggested he should see. However, after a certain period of time Jeongguk decided that therapy just wasn't for him and that he could spend that precious time focusing on something else instead. Like, working.

Working was a form of therapy to him, even though Namjoon and Seokjin disapproved of that to the point where Jeongguk had to promise that once things in work got less chaotic, he would try therapy again. Only, it's been three years since he had made that promise and Jeongguk still hasn't returned to therapy, and things at work just got progressively more hectic.

He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, opens them again. His heart somewhat simmers with the sound of Jimin breathing right next to him, and his eyes are so gentle, fingertips soothingly tracing up and down Jeongguk's arm, making small circular motions. Jimin's not been pushing him to talk even though it's been a while since he'd told Jeongguk what it is that he wants, what it is that he  _ needs  _ from him.

"I'm sorry, I just—"

"It's alright. Take your time." Jimin's voice is soft and quiet, and it's like they have all the time in the world.

Maybe they do. Maybe if Jeongguk were to look at things from a different perspective and not like they're all doomed and running out of time and all of this was make it or break it, then none of this would have to have an expiration date.
Literally, none of it.

He takes another deep breath and reaches out for Jimin's hand, locking their fingers together. It's hard enough that he has to process the fact that his idiot father is  _ still  _ seeing Jiyeon, even despite everything, but then again — he's lying in bed,  _ naked, _ with Jimin. The opposing counsel. Jiyeon's  _ son. _

It's a fucked up parallel to be drawn but — it's still a parallel. It's still bad. It still shouldn't be happening. And worse — he shouldn't be falling in love with him, yet here they were. He's exhausted with everything that's going on and just. He'll talk to Namjoon tomorrow, and they'll figure it out. And if Jimin is willing to renegotiate everything, maybe this won't turn out as badly as Jeongguk now realizes it could have. They could try and get to a mutual agreement.

And  _ shit,  _ Jeongguk can't believe he'd admitted that he has feelings. It just makes everything so real. So  _ raw. _

"I'm just. I'm trying to process everything," Jeongguk says, bringing their intertwined hands to his lips, kissing Jimin's knuckles. "Don't even know where to start."

Jimin shifts into a more comfortable position.

"We can start wherever you want. We can start with what you just told me."

Jeongguk nods.

"Maybe we can figure out where we stand with each other first, feelings wise," Jimin continues, and Jeongguk huffs out a tiny laugh because even this sounds a little like a business proposal. But somehow, he wouldn't really have it any other way. "Don't laugh at me. I'm not good at this."

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