author's note

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In this book Brianna attempts to understand her intense and at times contradicting feelings, while falling in love and searching for her purpose.


I want to believe I'm stronger than I give myself credit for, but I can't be sure. I go from one mood to another without warning. It's not something I can control. When it happens, I feel like I'm not a real person like I've never been a real person. I often feel no connection to who I am or who I've known. It makes me think none of my choices matter. I act drastically so that anything will happen, and I will feel alive again. The unpleasant thing about being reminded of your humanity is that all the pain comes rushing back. I panic in those moments and it's like I had just been asleep the whole time. I feel trapped in the sleep phases like there's somebody else operating the body I live in. When I'm awake I feel out of control and like I'm going to combust from all the pressure. I think that maybe nothing can "fix me." I just don't want to be here anymore.

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