16. Unconscious

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I have noticed that there have been a lot of adjustment problems. Not on your part, but on the part of the others.

"I'm not surprised. Even in there there was someone like that," Namjoon exposes, crossing his leg. "It just bothers me that it causes real problems.... One of the main reasons we always hide our relationship is to avoid this: people treat people like us differently. The end of the world doesn't change that."

You sound very resigned.

"I'm resigned to it continuing to happen.

Won't you try to change it?

"It doesn't matter what I say or do. The only thing I can handle is that Jungkook doesn't do anything bad and nothing serious happens to others."

You know you have no control over this.

"And it makes me squirm inside like you haven't the slightest idea."

~ * * * ~

This is the fourth time in a month you've been accused of causing some trouble and there's no proof whatsoever. It's the same group of people: those who accuse them of murder. Namjoon listens to the rantings of the woman who wears herself out explaining why they should leave. As usual, it is totally useless.

Without having harmed anyone or murdered here, they have a clean record with the justification of doing their best to survive, as well as testifying to responsible and understandable behavior. Namjoon clenches his hands and digs his fingernails into his palm. He forces himself to remain calm.

Not to insult. Not to attack. Not to challenge. He must remain as passive as he can. He must let this situation flow for what it is: something out of his control that he must accept for what it is. It is not something serious that will take him or others out of it. At most take away an hour of usable time on something else.

There is no need to control this moment.

To be noticed strong. Independent, capable of anything.

No. Not at all.

He just needs it to end and go on with life as usual.

"HE'S A KILLER!" Suddenly she comes over to push him. Taehyung and Yoongi hold Jungkook discreetly, knowing he wants to put himself before defending Namjoon. He stands between surprised and submissive. "HE'S A DAMN PSYCHOPATH JUST LIKE EVERYONE WHO'S WITH HIM!" she accuses pointing at him and the captain on duty approaches.

So much so that she thinks he's going to do something.

"Miss... I'm sorry to tell you that everything you are saying, can be counted as provocation" notifies the man and she drops her jaw slightly. "Not to mention that you are interrupting with the natural flow of all refugees. If you would be so kind as to stop-"

"I'M NOT GOING TO STAY QUIET WITH MURDERERS LIVING NEAR ME! YOU'RE SOCIOPATHS! THEY'RE ANIMALS! YOU'RE MONSTERS YOU MUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" she insists hysterically and the captain doesn't know where to butt in. He clearly doesn't want to deal with this anymore. Much less have to do paperwork about it.



"I have no authority for something like this." he notifies with an uncomfortable gesture.

"THEN I'LL GO TALK TO SOMEONE WHO CAN!" she shrieks pushing him away and one of the soldiers present stops her. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!! LET GO OF ME! NOW! IT'S...!"

Sempiternal: • A.L.I.V.(d)E(ad)? • || BOOK 7#Where stories live. Discover now