SVT - Wonwoo x Mingyu - Sacrifice

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Mentions: Vampire AU


Mingyu wasn't a vampire, but he's always wanted to be. So much so, that he makes it a priority to go around to the most popular vampire bars to be around them.

And eventually, he began volunteering himself to be fed on. By any vampire that would take him up on his opportunity. He got addicted to it, to the feeling of being almost drained. How it felt to be fed on.

In a sense, it was starting to ruin his life, because of how heavily he depended on it.

There was this one particular bar that he visited the most, where he found many of his 'frequent fliers' there. But he found that the more attractive vampires went there, so the eye candy was a plus.

He didn't know, but everytime he went in, there was a particular vampire that always watched him. Kept his eye on him, was intrigued by him. Trying to understand why Mingyu would go around and practically beg for someone to stick their fangs in his neck.

And, he was a little upset that he's never been asked.

Right on schedule, around eleven o'clock, Mingyu walked in the bar. He looked a little more dressed up than usual, probably because it's been a couple days since he's been fed on. So he was ensuring that someone would give in to him.

From a dark booth in the corner, Wonwoo watched him. Swirling his thick red blood in his wine glass, taking a long sip as he watched Mingyu over the rim of his glass.

Mingyu approached the bar, smiling at the bartender, "Pretty busy tonight."

The bartender returned the smile, getting Mingyu's drink ready, "Yeah there's some festival going on this weekend, so you know- 'fresh meat.'"

That made Mingyu chuckle, a little nervously, "Ah, makes sense."

Seeing the downcast gaze Mingyu had, the bartender handed his drink and tapped the man's hand, "Hey, chin up. There are plenty of vampires in here that would prefer you over someone new."

"Thanks, Seungkwan. You wouldn't happen to be able to point some out to me, would you?"

Seungkwan, the one man who knew of Mingyu's obsession. And, he often helped him, like now.

Seungkwan glanced over to Wonwoo, seeing the vampire looking directly at them. Which only made him smirk, "There's one in the back corner, he's had his eye on you for a long time."

He gestured to Wonwoo's corner, Mingyu then taking a glance back to see the vampire looking at him. It made his pulse race, he turned back to Seungkwan, "How come I've never noticed him before, he's just ... breathtaking."

Laughing now, Seungkwan made a drink for someone else, "Because you don't care about quality, you care about quantity. You wouldn't find someone like him just fucking around, he hunts for the perfect prey."

That made chills run over Mingyu's body, he looked at Seungkwan, "Do I just walk up to him?"

"Now, you've never had a problem initiating any type of contact with anyone else in this place. Just do what you always do, except don't go whoring yourself out this time. Only talk to him. The entire night."

Mingyu groaned, "But what if he doesn't do anything?"

The bartender shrugged, "Then he doesn't do anything. Try him again tomorrow."

"No, you don't understand. I can't wait any longer. I need something tonight."

Seungkwan glanced at the line of people wanting refills, "That's because you're an addict. Now I have a business to run. Shoo, shoo."

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