EXO - Kai x Sehun - Overdrive

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Mentions: blood, murder, slightly graphic, car sex


Everyone has their influences, their role models. Some people think everything of their role models, they're their entire world. The same thing goes for Sehun.

He thought the world of Kai, even with his dark secret. It only made Sehun fall harder for him.

After much convincing, Sehun was finally allowed to go with him on his runs. Admiring the way he did it, without remorse, or causing any trouble. He was so in love with Kai that there was nothing that could pull him away.

"Let me come with you, I want to do it this time."

Sehun looked at Kai, with expectation in his eyes. Many times he was told to stay while Kai did his dirty deed, all he wanted was to be apart of it too.

Kai looked at Sehun, "You want to do it?"

The younger nodded, excitement written all over his face, "Yes! I know what to do, you've shown me and you've taught me. I won't let you down, please?"

"Alright, baby, you're gonna do it."

Sehun beamed, grabbing Kai and embracing him tightly, "Can I choose how to do it?"

Glancing at the clock, Kai pressed his lips against his lover's forehead, "As long as you can make a decision within the next ten minutes. We gotta go."

Excitement ran through Sehun's veins, he quickly helped to grab what they needed before going out to their vehicle. He smiled brightly, "I already know how I'm gonna do it."

As Kai drove them to their destination, he kept glancing over to Sehun. Seeing how happy he was, "Are you gonna tell me?"

Sehun looked over to Kai, smirking, "There's no fun in just coming out to tell you. Just wait and see."

It was around one in the morning, parking down the street and turning the car off. Both men wrapped bandanas around their face, covering most of their facial features except their eyes.

"Okay, remember the plan?"

Sehun grinned under the mask, "Absolutely."

He didn't wait for Kai, making sure he had his knife in his hand and making his way through the shadows to the house. He went over the plan in his head, only one man occupied the house. No pets, no kids. An alarm system that needed to be de-armed, he remembered the four digit code he saw the man use once.

Go in through the back door, into the kitchen, the alarm is next to the garage door. From then on, he had to make his way upstairs and into the man's bedroom.

Kai was expecting Sehun to quickly kill him and then they would leave; but Sehun had other plans.

Sehun picked the lock on the door, slipping in and quickly going over to deactivate the alarm. He saw Kai walk around the back of the house through the kitchen window and he made his way up.

He went up the stairs, using the light of the moon to see where he was going. He could hear the man sleep, quietly going into the room and to his bedside.

"I'm supposed to kill you, quickly and neatly." Sehun whispered to the sleeping man. He pulled his knife out and admired it, then looking back to the man, "But, I don't want to do that."

The house was quiet, Sehun could hear Kai walking up the steps to the bedroom. He glanced to the door then back at the man, leaning down close to his ear he yelled.

The sleeping man waking up immediately and screaming. It caused Kai to quickly run into the room, "What are you doing?!"

Sehun wrapped a hand around the man's neck, ripping his mask off and stuffing it in the man's mouth, "Now, you can't make any noise. But I want you to be awake, for this."

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