NCT - Yuta x Haechan - Devil

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Mentions: Satan AU, 'master' is used a couple times, slight sadism/masochism


Another day where Haechan sat by his master. Another day that Haechan was tortured. There were often times when he would look back to that one day when he made this deal.

That day when he finally had enough, he felt his life had no meaning. He wanted a way out.

Which he technically found, the day he met Yuta. Or rather, the day he summoned Yuta. It was a cliché thing, one of those 'I want to summon a demon' things. But instead of summoning a demon, he got the powerful hot head himself. Satan.

Haechan didn't believe him at first, he thought it was a twisted joke. Until Yuta showed him that he was, indeed, the real Satan. In which, Haechan wanted him to leave; and in order to do that, Yuta needed to possess something of Haechan's.

After hearing all the useless things Haechan rattled off for Yuta to take, Yuta decided he wanted Haechan himself.

Which is how Yuta was able to possess Haechan. More so, Haechan's soul. But, Yuta wanted the cute boy to travel with him, for keepsake, if you will.

Although as time went on, Yuta didn't think Haechan was just cute. He thought he was many other things as well.

Yuta looked down at the younger, watching as he sat 'innocently' beside him. There were many things he made Haechan do, a lot of them petty tasks that Yuta enjoyed watching him struggle through. But, that's just what happens when you manage to piss of the devil himself.

He pondered just how far he could make the younger go. Just how far he could push him. One particular thought came to mind, of course, Yuta wasn't proud of it. It was hard to admit that he saw the younger in such a sinful fashion.

But the more Yuta watched him, the more he admired him. He wanted to know how he felt, in an intimate kind of way. Those lips Haechan would often puff out because he didn't get his way, how would feel against his own?

That mouth, the one that often spewed vulgar words of distaste towards Yuta, how would it taste? Those eyes, those doe eyes, that Yuta would often lose himself in, how would look underneath him?

Yuta's eyes travelled down Haechan's body, licking his lips at those thick, muscular thighs. He wanted to take a bite of his flesh, just to mark him. Just to hear him scream.

He continued to admire the stunning beauty that was Haechan. Even though the atmosphere was so dark and dull, Haechan lit up the room. His tan skin allowed for his presence to glow.

Haechan could feel Yuta's stare, "Stop looking at me. It makes me uncomfortable."

The older smirked, "You'd be uncomfortable if you knew what I was thinking."

With the remark, Haechan turned his head to look at Yuta. Finding that he was still staring at him.

There was a spiteful spark of hatred that Haechan always kept for Yuta. Most often fueling the rage behind his rude behavior towards him. But if he was honest, Yuta was stunningly handsome. And hot, so fucking hot.

His fiery red hair, those dark ember eyes, his beautifully smooth skin. Oh his body, his muscular build. Haechan has seen Yuta naked, a few times, and every time he was rendered speechless.

It always caught him off guard, he had forever thought the devil had the image of being a red hot head, with horns coming out of his head and a tail. Along with that stupid spear. Sorry, his blivet.

But one look at Yuta, there was no way he was the devil. Even though he actually was. A sinister one at that.

Yuta could see that Haechan was in his own world, gazing at him. He enjoyed when he caught the younger in moments like this. Because he, too, has experienced these moments.

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