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Oh my gawd...IM SO SORRY!!! I can't keep promises anymore!! I was planning on updating like 50 years ago but I forgot! What type of dumbass forgets?! Obviously this dumbass! *points to myself* the least I could do is write a chapter someone suggested ...so here we go...

Johnny and Stryker were talking about Huniepop, and how 'amazing' the game was.

(What Sicko's)

Suddenly Smoke and Scorpion kick the door down.

"What the fu-"

Smoke slaps Johnny.


"Smoke. We didn't agree on violence!" Scorpion shouted.

Smoke frowns and lowers head in shame. "I sowwy"."

"What are you two doing here?" Stryker asked.

"Right!" Smoke yelled. "We found this game, that does not include nudity and sexuality."

"DAMMIT!!" Noob shouts from a distance.

Smoke grabs Stryker's flashlight and chucks it at Noob.

"Its a horror game called Five Nights at Freddy's...pause... And! It has to do with animatronic coming to life!!" Scorpion explained.

(You get a popsicle if you know what reference the (pause) is from)

"Coming to life?!" Noob asked and Smoke kneed his stomach.

"Yea. We have to play it!" Scorpion said and placed his yellow laptop in front of Stryker and Johnny.

Smoke quickly grabs Noobs shoulder and throws him into an unprepared Kenshi. Then he runs into Strykers dorm and slams the door shut.

"I hope they don't find my drugs."

Okay!! Moving on.

Everything was silent as Stryker moved to the Pirate cove cam.

"Wait...he's not there." Stryker said and switched to the hallway camera only to see Foxy running towards them. Stryker got off the camera and attempted to close the door but Foxy appeared before he could.

They screamed a very manly scream and then broke down laughing.

"Damn! The 4th night is hard." Stryker laughed.

They turned off the laptop and sat down on the couch and watched some TV. After a while they heard a low laugh that sounded like Freddy's laugh. (Were talking about Freddy Fazzbear. Not the stalker Freddy.) Scorpion looked over at Johnny who was pale.

"What was that?" Scorpion asked.

"I think we just played to much of the game." Johnny suggested.

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