Family Fued

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Jade woke up feeling something sticky and wet on her face. She opened her eyes to see Camila breathing on her. Jade groaned and sat up. She first looked around the room and then looked back at Camila.

"Hey girl." She mumbled and Camila started to wag her tail.

Jade got up and put on some fuzzy socks. She grabbed Camila's leash and instantly Camila got excited. She ran around the room waging her tail violently.

"Okay, okay. Calm down." Jade put a harness on Camila and they walked out of the dorms.

Outside the dorms.

"I thought you stopped doing that Smoke!!" Noob whisper-shouted.

"Shut up, Boob!" Smoke hissed. "One won't hurt."

Noob shook his head and sat down next to Smoke who lit his cigarette.

"It's been a while since you've actually smoked Smoke." Noob said and chewed on his shirt.

"It relieves stress! Plus, I'm not gonna be some smoke addicted teen." Smoke said.

"Aight. As long as you smoke ONE not one and a half."

"ONE AND A HALF?! Bitch these things are expensive. Why would I waste them?"

"Just sayin."

The door opened and Jade walked out with Camila. Luckily she was too tired to notice a wide eyed Smoke and Noob.

Noob quickly shoved the cigarettes in his pocket and slapped the one that was in Smoke's mouth.

"JADE! HELLO!" He shouted trying to muffle the sound of Smoke coughing.

She turned her head and nodded then looked back at Camila.

Smoke quickly put a piece of gum in his mouth and stood up.

"Is that the dog you were talking about?"

Jade nodded. "Her names Camila."

"Camila? Thats cute. Why not Evergreen?"

She laughed. "Why would I name her that?"

"Because its a very dear and precious name to you?" Smoke asked.

Again she laughed. Camila looked at Smoke and growled.

"AH! She smells mah drugs!!"

Noob grinned. "Busted!!"

Camila ran towards a small object close to Smoke and barked.

"What is that?" Jade asked. She walked towards it and looked at Smoke. "What were you guys doing before I got here?"

Smoke looked at Noob for help.

"Scorpion stayed over at our dorm and he was snoring like crazy. So we decided to come out here." Noob quickly said.

She nodded slowly and pulled Camila back into the dorms.

Smoke sighed. "Did she see?"

"Yea, but maybe she thought I did it?"

"I doubt it."

Inside the dorms.

"Hey Sub!" Scorpio shouted.


"Wheres Frost? It's been a while since I've seen her."

Sub stood up. "She's right in front of our dorm actually." He walked towards the door.

Scorpio followed him and Sub knocked.

"House keeping!!" Sub shouted in the manliest voice he could muster.

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