Camping pt 3

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God I'm a dumbass. When I wrote Camping pt 2 I was tired as a mofo. So I COMPLETELY forgot about the Skarmac × Ermac scene. JESUS I AM STUPID! But no worries dear friends, I will add it this time. And sadly this chapter will also contain lemons because I like lemonade but also because a few Skar × Mac fans wanted it...also Kyle is gonna write it. GOOD LORD, I am not sure why I'm actually letting him touch my keyboard and worse let him write a smex scene in my fanfic. R.I.P Alex MK_Luver(2) you are going to get murdered by dicks. LETS GO!

Shang Tsung returned later.

"Okay everyone! Are all the tents up?" He asked.

"YES SIR!" They shouted.

Tsung nodded and looked at Mr. Shujinko. "So shall we run about or do some exploring?"

"Up to what they want to do." He responded.

"Raise your hand if you want to run around and do nothing important." No one raised their hand. "Raise your hand if you want to explore." Everyone raises their hand. "ALRIGHT! ADVENTURE TIME!!!!"

The kids all got in two groups and each group either went with Mr.Shujinko or Sir Tsung. Lets go see Sir Tsung cause I like him more :D

"Now, this here kids is a rock. The finest of rocks I might add."

Smoke looked at it with wide eyes. "...c-can I t-t-touch it?"

"Of course--but--be extremely careful. If you are not cautious it may fall apart." Tsung warned.

Smoke slowly reached out and stroked the rock. "It's so soft..."

Tsung laughed. "Alright gang, lets get to some real hardcore exploring. First I need two brave volunteers. Female and male."

Most of the guys raise their hand.

"Hmmm how about..............Ermac?"

"...Our hand was not rais--"

"I LOVE THE ENTHUSIASM!!" Tsung shouted interrupting him. "Now one brave girl?"

Jade slapped Skarlet's butt and Skarlet jumped.

"Skarlet! You look excited! COME ON UP HERE!!"

"Jade I fucking hate you."

"Now, now no need to swear." Tsung warned and side stepped. "We are going to have a good ol race. It is dangerous that is why I needed two brave volunteers." He said grinning. "Whoever makes it to the top of the tree wins." He pointed to two separate trees.

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