Chapter 5

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"Hey!?" "Hmm?" "Aren't you my dorm mate?" "Mhm yeah" "then why the fuck are you hugging my fucking waist?!" "Cuz it looks hug able" "also can you move your head" "no" *bits neck* "ow hmgh? stop fucking biting me!?" "No" *picks up helyin* "Hey put me down" "not yet" *puts on the bed* "hey-" "shh" "hmm how about no" *bits again* "ow stop doing that" "no stay quiet" *bit again* "ngh?" *bits in a different spot* " if your gonna keep biting me at least let go of my waist" "hmm no" *hugs tighter* "now shush I'm going to sleep" "fine" 'how I'm I going to escape now god why'd he have chose me now I'm fucking stuck good god why'd I have to stay in the bathroom for so long mannnnnnnnnnnn I'm so stupid wha- did he just his fucking grip how I'm I supposed to slee-' "boo" "hm?!" "Can you let go now" "no" "we've got school dipshit" "I don't care your staying" "no I got stuff to do. Now let go" "no I'm going to keep hugging you and you no longer leave" "you know I can set you on fire right" "fine but you can't escape non existent bullet" *!* " hey what's this for anyway you don't even like me? And it's like 6am right now let me go" "no I kinda do like you" "but I-" "no" *hug waist again* "hey let go" "no" ,picks up walks to a chair sits in the chair, "hey this very uncomfortable" "I know" "then why do it" "cuz it's comfortable for me" "I don't care about you dipshit" *bits* "ow you fucking bitch" "hm" " fuck you"

.well I couldn't think anymore so cliffhanger and sorry for making this a little more gay then I wanted but bye.

Next chap>

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