Chapter 6

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(Warning smut)

"Sure" "what do you mean su- HEY put me down you bitch" "how about no pretty boy" "hey at least tell me what going on?" "Why tell you when it's about to happen" "what do yo-" *bits* "ow shit" ||a few seconds later|| "hey what are you doing" "we are going to do some prepping" "The fucks pre- mgh fuck" "shit" "oh? Do you like it here?" "Mngh stop touching there" "fine" ||1 second later cuz I'm not the d or c word|| "now could you quickly turn round real quick it not gonna be for to long" "fin- ngnh" ||10 hours later||  *and he never got any sleep that night* "hi pretty boy" "don't touch me you ugly piece of shit" "that hurt my feeling" "good" "whys that good" "why's that good you literally made out with me without permission and I only said Fuck you were being a bitch second I didn't sleep because of you third my legs and back feel like there about to fold dipshit forth I have to go somewhere today which mean my leg and back will hurt even more all because of you piece of shit" "why can't you can-"  "why can't cancel huh hm cuz she my only friend and I'm not losing someone again now let go" "fine" "good don't talk to me" ||15 minutes later|| "hi Elyin" "oh hii" "what are we doing to day" "hmm since we didn't get you an accessories last time we should some" "by the way bitch tripped me when was getting here and now my back hurt" "oh then I can get an assistant to carry the stuff ok thanks"

.sorry I had to cut of the smut it felt uncomfortable to write but everything's alright bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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