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Life had been getting boring, you would think, oh yeah zombie apocalypse, must be so fun. It's not. Everyone's seen those depictions of the world ending, i know I have, and maybe I was also one of those people who wished to experience it. And yeah, it's interesting for a while. But once everyone in your family's dead, and your being enclosed in a small town, stuff gets pretty old.

I had been starting to miss college, miss pets, I think now if any of us saw an animal walking down the road, we'd eat it. But the thing I missed the most, was other people. I don't like seeing the same 20 something idiots everyday.

Don't get me wrong, I did love Lucas, and.... Chloe. But everyone just had so much going on for them. Crazy, is a good word. Everyone thought Ashton was the physco one. When in reality, it was all of them. I felt like a sheep in wolves clothing. Okay, maybe I'm not a sheep, but I had less going on for me mentally than everyone else.

Hold on, I just got it. Maybe I thought everyone was so crazy because everyone they ever loved was gone. And I had Lucas and Chloe. Ok sure, Chloe has me, but she ate her mother and has no idea where her father is. Who am I to judge? Jesus Christ, I can't do this. It's the apocalypse and I'm criticizing other people for losing it a little.

Then I started to think, when will it be my turn? Surely it's coming, I hope that didn't mean losing someone but that's how it was for everyone else.

I shook my head, I overthink to much. Here I was, standing around, all this stupidity evolved from just being bored. Maybe I could pick up a hobby, start to talk to someone?

That's when a voice emerged from behind me, a girl I've never talked to before, it's weird there's still people like that even though I've been here for months. I turned around to face her.

"Hey, couldn't help but notice that your just, creepily... standing here, staring off into space... like a weirdo." She said.

I raised an eyebrow and took a step back. She was right, it was a bit weird, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to be offended by it. Maybe throw in a little sarcastic comment. "Thanks." I side glanced the grass, just for dramatic enhancement.

She stuck her hand out at me. "I'm Quianna, everyone has these nicknames for me though, my name is long I know, call me whatever."

I thought that was kind of a weird thing to say. Call her whatever? Maybe I'd call her George.

I started to reply. "I'm-"

She cut me off abruptly. "Trinity."

I was taken back by this. "How do you know my name, I've never talked to you in my life?"

She looked at me like this was supposed to be some sort of obvious question. "Me and Lucas, you could say we're pretty good friends."

I looked confused, that couldn't be true. Why would he have a friend that close and not tell me anything about her, let alone have me not talk to her until now. Overall I was pretty sketched out.

I furrowed my brows. "Oh."

She looked displeased with my bland reply, and scratched her head. "Yeah, he told me all about you. I was just telling that Chloe girl earlier about how lucky you are to have him. She's weird."

Quianna was a strange looking girl. She wore a vest and had about the stupidest makeup I'd ever seen, if it wasn't already weird enough to wear makeup during an apocalypse, it was weirder to wear it bright and crooked. She had brassy blonde hair, it was messy, really messy, pretty gross looking and knotted.

Maybe i was just being salty at the fact she talks to Lucas so much , but she was ugly. "How long have you and him been friends?" I was desperate to get to the bottom of this.

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