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Hi 😁😁 and welcome to my new book, as shown in the title, this book is all about Lionel Shabandar (obv) aka one of Alan's more underrated
character roles.

And yes as seen in the description it is gonna be a love story and I'm very excited to start writing this book as I go and hopefully y'all will start to enjoy this as well.

The idea of writing this story crossed my mind yesterday while I was at the mall with my parents and I was watching Lionel edits and that's when the idea of writing a fanfic story about him came into mind.

And also because of me watching some clips from the Gambit and having the ✨feminine urge✨ to write this story.

It's been a while since I've written a full on story and some I deleted whether it's because of me just giving up or it being a flop😑😑

But I've got some highs for this book and I'd love to see your thoughts on it once it starts to take off and hopefully I'll be able to pull this off.

And now to some of the important parts of the book that will be (sort of) relevant to the story:

1. This book will take place after the movie, of course after the film, PJ goes back to Texas, Deane goes back to his normal life and Lionel has the painting. So you can pretty much forget about the whole plot of the movie and focus on this.

2. The reader (Y/N or you) will be aged up to 27.

3. Lionel might be a little different to his actual character in the movie so I apologize if the dialogue is a bit off, and ig I'll have to watch a few parts of the film to understand. And also because of my writing.

4. This book is NOT a slowburn, or kinda. But things might start off slow in the beginning but dw things will get ✨ interesting✨ as we go on.

5. Some parts of the book might not be a appropriate for audiences who aren't used to stuff like smut or anything that may cause those to get bothered so do proceed with caution ig..

Oh and lastly, this is the second AR character that I'm writing about and ofc if you're a follower, you know how I mostly just write about Severus.

So if this doesn't feel faithful to Lionel's character (Like I said on number 3) it's because that I may not be so good on writing about him. So apologies if it doesn't play out very well.

Annndd that's about it.. Sorry if this felt a bit rushed and not properly thought out but hey, you've got a story waiting for you.

So, do enjoy yourself in teotl :))

Written on: October 1, 2023Published: October 13, 2023

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Written on: October 1, 2023
Published: October 13, 2023

The Eye of The Lion. | Lionel ShabandarWhere stories live. Discover now