Number six

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When we arrived, we quickly moved to the shooting sketch, me almost dead. ,,Okay, we can start!" The director arrived and filming began! The first to spoil it was Seungmin, who started rapping with hoarse voice, that made Jooyeon laugh. This is how it went over and over again. It was then spoiled by Gunil dropping the drumstick and then me almost tripping over the cable. I was exhausted from all this, but I knew that I couldn't get away with it, if I tried, they would say it's good and let us go home. It was about the sixteenth attempt that we finally succeeded. Out of breath, I staggered to put my guitar down and tried to focus on the colored lights with blurred vision. Most of the staff had already left, only a few remained, packing their things. I staggered over to the other members to find them sitting on the ground, chatting. Their voices cut through my ears like a knife, it was too loud. ,,Jiseok, are you okay?" Someone's voice came out, probably Jooyeon's. ,,I- Cax- catch me!" Was the only thing that came out of me before I started to fall. I waited for the impact on the hard ground, the moment seemed to last forever. I felt myself falling on someone's chest, his hands clinging to my waist, all accompanied by the terrified screams of the other members. I couldn't tell who kept calling my name, couldn't tell who started hyperventilating and calling for help. It was too noisy to realise who was talking. The person who caught me sat me on the ground and slapped me across the face, breathless. ,,Not now, please." He whispered and I could feel him crying. It was Hyeongjun.


,,Junnie. can I come in?" I knocked on the door and the boy turned the music down. ,,Yeah, come on!" I heard and I walked in, closing the door behind me to see the beautiful Hyeongjun on the bed, staring at me with a sad smile. ,,I'm sorry I made you cry." I mumbled. ,,Oh Jisuu, Don't apologize. I was too scared." He got up and walked over to me. He was a little taller than me, he had beautiful black hair that fell restlessly into his eyes, He had beautiful brown eyes, clear skin, and that damn pink lips. He stood a few centimeters from me. ,,It wasn't your fault." He smiled and stroked my cheek. ,,But Jungsu almost overoxygenated and-" ,,Shh, don't talk." Hyeongjun quieted me with a finger that he gently placed on my lips. I watched him try to sneak closer, I grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand away from my lips. He made a sad face, but after I ran my hand through his soft hair, a smile broke out on his face. My gaze went from his hazel eyes to his small bunny-like lips. ,,So don't look and try it." JunHan added and I slowly touched my lips to his. It wouldn't be a kiss, it would just be a brush of lips against lips, but Hyeongjun being Hyeongjun, he began to deepen the kiss to the french one.

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