chapter 4

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Three days leter. Evening.

Jungkook had dropped Jinseong at Hoseok's place in the early evening because he was having a date with someone Hoseok set him up with. He was nervous, drumming his fingers on his thighs he exhaled a exhausting sigh of frustration. He looked at his wrist watch, only ten minutes to be 8 PM.

He didn't know how his date will go. He was sure that whoever that person is will ditch him when he would start talking about his son, he was sure that his date will go flop this time too.

No matter how many times he have tried dating someone, they've only asked about how many cars does he have, how is his financial status, how is his work - no more romantics than works and money.

He wanted someone to ask him what his favourite colour is, what is his favourite song, favourite movie, favourite thing to do when he's free. But no one has ever asked him those small questions that means so much to him.

Guess, people only cared about money.

Just then he felt a tap on his shoulders, he looked up boringly and his eyes almost blew wide at the person he is looking at. "Jimin? You?"

Jimin looked equally surprised. "You're my date? Mr Jeon?"

"I guess?" Jungkook grinned. He looked happy yet anxious because ofcourse Jimin was kind and sweet but he didn't really know his real side yet. He prayed that Jimin was someone he's looking for desparately.

"Come on have a seat," Jungkook said, walking towards the seat infront of him and pulled back for Jimin to sit. Jimin smiled sweetly and took a seat, Jungkook took a seat as well.

"Whoa, you're my date, I still can't believe it." Jimin said in amazement.

"Why is that?" Jungkook chuckled making Jimin blush in embarrassment.

"Look at you, someone like you on a date with someone like me." Jimin pointed at Jungkook and then himself. "But I'm confused.. uh if you don't mind me asking... You're a single dad? I'm sorry if I was so straightforward."

Jungkook chuckled again and shook his head. "I was single from the beginning. I'm not married yet."

Jimin just nodded and decided not to ask questions about his personal life, he pursued his lips in a thin line and looked down. Then he suddenly remembered about Jinseong, he looked up at Jungkook and asked; "How is Jinseong doing? I hope he's healthy and good."

Jungkook was taken aback a little, none of his date has ever asked about his son so he was distressed about it. Jungkook sighed and smiled. "He's good. These three days he kept mentioning you that when will we meet Jiminie. And I forgot to take your number that day."

Jimin nodded in acknowledgement and giggled at the nickname. "Can I meet him today? If you think my presence is irrelevant-"

"Ofcourse not!" Jungkook interrupted him almost immediately. "I'm sure Jinseong would be happy to meet you. Actually he's at Hoseok hyung's place now but we can go and pick him up after this date. If you don't mind?"

"No, not at all. I would be happy to meet that little boy. I haven't seen him in three days, I was actually busy with work to make a phone call." Jimin explained with a smile.

"Ahh! I see. What do you work, Jimin?" Jungkook asked, sliding the conversation.

"I'm actually a worker at kim corps." Jimin said.

"Employee?" Jungkook asked and Jimin simply nodded.

"How about you?" Jimin asked him.

"I'm the ceo of my big brother's company." Jungkook said and Jimin's jaw dropped.

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