chapter 7

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Jungkook massaged his temples that were aching due to headache because of the mental pressure he's been going through. He sighed and dropped his head on the headrest of the chair before exhaling again.

Just then the door swing open making him frown because no one should just come unnoticed but when he looked at the door he couldn't help but smile when Jinseong came running inside.

"Dad!" The little boy screamed happily seeing his dad. Jungkook immediately got up from the chair and stepped ahead before kneeling down to hug Jinseong.

Jinseong sighed in contentment, his father's arms were the last thing he would want to ruk towards. After a hectic and painful day, Jungkook's arms would keep him away from the cruel world and make him happy.

"Hey my champion. How was your day?" Jungkook asked as he slowly ran his palm up and down Jinseong's back. Jungkook smiled when he noticed Jimin walking inside, Jimin returning the smile back as he stepped inside.

"It was great because Jiminie came to pick me up!" Jinseong giggled before pulling away making Jungkook and Jimin chuckle.

"Hey." Jungkook greeted the male. "How was your day?"

"Hey Jungkook." Jimin greeted back with his crescent moon smile. "My day was just as usual, how about you?"

"Oh. Just some work pressure and headache." Jungkook sighed making Jimin look at him worriedly.

"I told you not to overdo yourself! You don't listen to me. It's not good for your health." The male scolded and Jungkook just smiled shamelessly because it was his first time being scolded with worries.

"Yeah Jiminie is right dad." Jinseong agreed with a small smile, joining the scolding squad with Jimin.

"Okay sure. Come on here sit I'll tell the guards to bring some food for you both." Jungkook's suggested and Jinseong cheered but Jimin shook his head.

"No Jungkook I've already had my lunch. Just order for Jinseong, please."

"Oh, then what do you wanna eat Jinseong?" Jungkook asked the boy.

"I wanna eat chips!" Jinseong jumped up and down happily while marching around the office making Jimin and Jungkook laugh softly.

Jungkook ordered some chips for Jinseong and the boy happily eat it while shaking his head right to left and humming a melody. Jimin just smiled at that but and glanced at Jungkook only to notice that he was rubbing his temples.

Jimin shook his head because Jungkook was stubborn as ever, he still worked when he have a headache which made Jimin a little worried. So he walked over behind Jungkook's chair and started to massage hus temples making Jungkook exhale in pleasure.

"Thank you, Jimin." Jungkook uttered with a smile, resting his head on the headrest of the chair and looking up at Jimin who was already looking down at him with a smile.

"Mention not. You need to take care of yourself Jungkook. Don't stress yourself because of work, you know Jinseong doesn't like that." Jimin scolded.

"Okay okay." Jungkook chuckled and dropped the pen with he was writing.

"Good." Jimin smiled and placed a quick kiss on Jungkook's forehead making the male smile shyly.

"Dad where is hobi uncle?" They both were interrupted by Jinseong. The boy slowly walked towards them with curiousity, he wanted to see hobi uncle cause the male hadn't came to pick him up and to be honest he missed Hoseok cause he was his favourite uncle.

"He must be in his office right now. Why?" Jungkook asked softly and Jinseong hummed in anticipation as if he was having a mental battle whether he should tell his dad or not.

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