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(Welcome back! Thank you so much for your support, and patience.
Today is October 1st! So, as I've promised, it's time for the prolouge!

WAIT! First, please note, as I've said, I'm no professionals author. My writing isn't perfect, and I'm sorry. Anyways Leff time!)

An empty void. Nothingness. Eternal sorrow.
No... This wasn't a void. It was just the Otherplace. There were others here. They were just somewhere far.
And of course, they were here. In the world they forever stayed.
Their wicked claws twitched slowly, their wings flicked slightly, their talons tapped impatiently. This is boring. What am I supposed to do? Absolutely nothing here?
Thoughtfully, they glared off into the ever-continuing cliffs and ledges. What could solve a silent void of boring? They clicked their beak a few times.
Nothing to see, nothing to listen to, nobody around. There wasn't any way they could feel alive. Not anymore. Not with the binding chains, looping their ankles. Not with the jutting crown above their head. They hissed.

No. There must be a way to feel alive. Even if I'll never live again... I'll never be among the living.
That's it! They couldn't live on their own, but maybe with a vessel, someone who experienced what they couldn't.
I could get someone to work for me. I make some sort of deal with them, and they serve me.
Nobody all good, though. Any righteous vessel would surely turn on them.
"A vessel. I'll find one." They announced.
"HEY!" They yelled, "COME HERE ALREADY!"
Where was that little-
There he is. About time. "Yes?" They caught him rolling his eyes, and glared narrowly.
"I have a task for you." They growled.
"Okay, what is it?"
He seemed displeased. He didn't get a choice, though.
"You're going to the Lifeland. And finding me a vessel." They hissed, a tone that ensured they meant what they said. "Oh? Lifeland?" At least that got his attention. They stopped briefly to glare at the smaller bird. "And I want one worth my time."
"Yes, My Lord. I will find you someone." He bowed, but it was a mock kneel. Before they could insult the disrespectful subject, he flew off, directly to the gate.

They mumbled angrily to themself about disgraceful servants. But it didn't matter, as long as that lowlife got them what they needed.
It was decided. The Forbidden Lord of Otherplace was coming back. And this time, they would make the Overlords hurt, no matter what.

 And this time, they would make the Overlords hurt, no matter what

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(The Lord)

NOTE: This is no longer the design for The Lord. The Lord is not a bird. Redesign is in progress.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm sorry it's so short, the other chapters are much longer. I'll publish the first chapter on the 15th of October! Once again, thank you, amazing readers!
(I just spent the last 3 hours drawing and revising this oh my god.)

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