Chapter Four

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This was absolutely pointless. He stood hopelessly, swaying his head back and forth.
"A vessel? Really! And it's no better that they want a 'Special one'. WHERE THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO FIND A VESSEL!?" He squawked into the empty distance furiously.
Well, he had to obey the lord. It was what he got. But he wouldn't be regretting.
Maybe I'll go to a town... There will be more birds there.

He reached his wings outward, and expertly launched into the sky. He scooped the air strongly beneath his red feathers.
Even if it sucked to do anything the lord said, it was nice to get out of that (literal) hellhole. He felt like he'd never truly flown for, like, six eternities.
He noticed the soft wind on his face as he glided. All he could hear was a soft swoosh, and his occasional balancing wingbeat. How had he forgotten this? The living feel this every time they fly? How did I forget this was so nice?

He could go faster, but he wanted to enjoy the freedom of drifting carelessly.
Or, mostly careless. He still had to find a dumb vessel. "Wait... I don't even know where the nearest town is... Ugh. The Lord of Otherplace and yet they couldn't just give me a map?" He rolled his eyes so hard he nearly fell out of the sky. "No, that's exactly something they'd do. Probably just to make this more tedious for me."
He knew The Lord wanted entertainment, they would probably find it humorous to watch his subject, lost, but forced to go on. The Lord had the ability to watch their subjects, so they could still be entertained by his hopeless shenanigans, even from Otherplace.
But, they can't do shit about anything I say while I'm out here. And they can't even talk to me.

"Hah! Serves them right for their 'saving useful crowns for useful subjects'!" The demon scoffed in an amused tone. It was obviously just their excuse for not being able to make better crowns, and it was one he'd never let go of.
His only form of interaction had been the spiteful rivalry between himself and the lowly banished one. He may be of lower status, but it wouldn't stop him from making fun of them. After all, what could they do, replace him? He scoffed.
No way in all Net they could find someone 'better' than ME. With as far as I got, they're just lucky to have me around.

Though, even with his lifetime achievements, he sure did get treated poorly. Being sent out on such dumb errands.
Probably because he was the only of the lords' subjects who wouldn't cower in terror whenever summoned.
It, still, amused the hell out of him that the ALL MIGHTY LORD OF OTHERPLACE couldn't get anyone to listen.

But his triumphant mockery was quickly lost as a light caught his eye. There, shortly ahead of him, stood a glowing town. It was wildly easy to spot in the darkened fields and forests surrounding. With the black sky surrounding, exaggerating its visibility, it seemed stupidly open to any attackers. They were probably surviving off the fact Britishia had no rival countries. But it wouldn't save them from attacks within the country. 
Guess I found a town already.
He paused. What the hell am I supposed to do down there? Go look around for some sort of 'evil looking birds'? 
He didn't have anything better to do, so that was what he'd have to do for who knows how long. This might just be the dumbest thing I've ever done. At least I get a break from 'Lord Bossy'.

He sighed, and unenthusiastically began to make his way downwards.
The streets were shuffling with merchants and residents, despite it being far past lightfade.
Lamps lit up every inch of the main street, but didn't dare reach their fiery wingspan into the alleys sprouting off.
The crowd was huge. Maybe half the birds in the whole town were strolling down this road. It made sense, this was where all of the 'shops' were. This street was probably the residents' only source of food, or, frankly,  any resource that could be sold. The bird slowly made his way past the countless street stalls. The stall owners desperately flailed their products in an attempt to promote it. Most passers scurried around the louder merchants, to the sellers' despair.
He tried to scan through the many birds for any 'Vessel' looking ones, but there were just too many to see. Everyone was just innocently searching for their required wares. Even if there was some homicidic 'perfect vessel' here, he wouldn't be able to spot them. Everyone just blended into the crowd. Luckily, it applied to himself. Nobody could spot a Dark One in this kerfuffle. Even so, he knew he could blend in perfectly, with his crown and horns invisible to the 'unworthy', or whatever the lord said.
Even with my 'disguise' this is hopeless. Even if I look like any normal bird no one could encounter some criminal just casually!
Plus, there isn't even such thing as a 'perfect vessel'! If the Lord thinks there is, it just shows how dumb they are.
He stopped walking and looked back and forth. Ugh. How long am I going to be-

His thoughts were interrupted as a piece of paper fluttered on the edge of his vision, catching his eye. He carefully navigated through the hustle towards the poster board.
He didn't know it was possible to get disproven that quickly.

Hmm... Maybe he'll work.
His claws gently lifted the worn paper.
It depicted a sketch of a rustled falcon, dark gray feathers and hazel swirls. The bird seemed scheming, though it could just be the artist's bias. He read the short message,

For the crime of assassination of a Royal Feather.
May be aggressive on interaction. Do NOT approach.
Last seen in Londonia
If seen, call an official, IMMEDIATELY.

He inspected the picture. "Aero, huh?"

End of chapter

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End of chapter.

Thanks for reading.
I'm on time for once. The one time I forgot to say the release date.
The writing quality here is really different, haha. I did a lot more thorough revision, this time. You can also see my art style getting better. It's funny, if I publish once a month, but draw daily, my art changes a LOT.

Happy National Feed The Birds Day!

The actual announcement will be on February 29th.
Because I can.

The chapters get longer, I promise.

Announcement on February 29th, Chapter Five on March 2nd.

Thanks for reading LEFF.

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