Chapter Seven

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Wind blew quickly. It was like the sky couldn't catch up with him as he flew. But even then it couldn't stop him. It was nice to get some time in the sky, free and unbound. But even then, Aero had been flying for what seemed like an eternity. It almost felt like the shadow forest wasn't something he'd been to in Swirlings.
He was flying in the right direction, so it couldn't have actually been very long.
Ugh, I put my screenteller back in my bag, but I don't want to miss Darktown trying to wrangle it out. He sighed in annoyance. So I'll just have to keep an eye out.
Looking down, Aero quickly realized it was fairly difficult to see anything in the dark like this. But given, undeniably preferable to trying to navigate the shadow forest.
The shadow forest had been possibly the second worst place Aero had ever been, which was saying a lot. Was it really worth it to come all the way out here? That was dumb. Better than my other option. It was his fault. Aero did that to himself. He knew exactly what he'd done.
He knew exactly why he'd been forced to run out into the wretched forest. Maybe Aero should have thought about that when he- Stop it. It was all in the past. But so was- It doesn't matter anymore. Aero could worry about that later. He had to pay attention now. Even though he- There's nothing that can be done anymore. Just let it be. With a shake of his head, Aero tried to distract himself from the worries. It was nice to see all the lively plants, wasn't it? They were so green, welcoming him like no bird ever would. That's better. Just look at the trees. He wasn't above the ominous shadow forest anymore. Now, the woods he saw was a simple, non deadly, stretch of greenery.
As Aero watched the trees pass, he realized there was a large span of the land that was filled with blacks and browns and grays, instead of green. He'd almost been too caught up in his thoughts to notice when he flew right above
Darktown. He slowed down a little bit. Finally. Now I can think of where to spend the Night, instead. Wings tilting in, he started to dive towards Darktown.
It was pretty simple from there. As long as it all went well.
Just find some food and a real nest to sleep in.
Without blowing his cover. He could manage that. I still have some coins in my bag, so that isn't a problem. That would work out, then. I just need to keep a low profile. As long as nobody recognizes me, I can get in, get food and sleep, and get out. Easily. Just don't get anywhere near a single talon.
The distant lights slowly grew closer as he dove. The wind ruffled his feathers, whistling across his beak. Maybe I'm more free this way. The whooshing of the wind. The swish of his tail. The distant commotion of the town. The clean air filling his lungs. The sensations of freedom.
This was what birds were made for. The freedom of the skies, the sweeping of the wind below swaying wings.
Why couldn't he just fly forever? Away from the Forest. Away from Darktown. Far away from a single other bird on the Feather. Especially Talons.
But he couldn't just avoid civilization forever. He had places to be, and he'd need to make some stops before he could get there.
It didn't matter. He was almost at Darktown. Now Aero just needed to focus on keeping cover in the town. He couldn't be found out. That would be the exact opposite from what he had to do.
So. Stealth.
If I fly right in the middle of the market, there's no doubt I'll attract attention. I should come in from an emptier angle. He scanned the town. There was an outskirt further Sew. He could go in that way.
    Aero twisted, aiming for a silent alleyway as it grew into view. He threw out his wings to slow his descent, cautious not to look rushed. Make it look casual. Like you're just some bird who went off for a little fly, and it's completely normal for you to fly into a town.
That wasn't hard. Just...
He managed to land on his talons without looking like someone who'd just been attacked by a couple Growlmonsters. Still, not perfectly smooth though...
As soon as he was on the ground, Aero threw the cloak over his feathers, ensuring he wasn't identifiable. The cloth was covered in ash, but still better than nothing. He could see bunches of ash falling onto his feathers. Kind of annoying, but it was only making himself less likely to be recognized.
His shabby disguise completed, Aero began his trek through the dim drag of walkway. With each passing talonstep, he gradually began to make his way towards the teeming bustle. Dirty walls surrounded his every side, sully to the town, factoring a labyrinthian stretch of gloom. Graffitied ledges of dust and dark windows towered. They bore depictions of cruel-eyed Feathers and Talons, etched ferociously in paint.
Even despite there being countless residents, none of the windows shone any lights, all the inhabitants off shopping, socializing, or asleep.
These empty alleyway gave Aero the petrifying feeling any one of these corners would hold a bloodthirsty hissmonster in search of its next victim. Like he'd take a step and suddenly be seized by violent claws. Or possibly even worse, Talons.
    The bird wasn't sure whether the Shadow Forest or these empty coves were more terrifying.
    He could hear the distant echoes of chatter from his destination street, but it was almost worse to hear all the voices like this. Their words made no intelligibility, instead making a consistent low murmur. His talonsteps were the only thing he could actually make out properly. But even those were making his heart start to race.
Every echoed clack sounded closer to another bird than the last. Every time the walls threw the sound of his quick breathing back at him made his eyes go wider. His wings began to tremble violently as the deserted crevices responded back to his every noise. Aero's talons instinctively clenched up tightly, but he didn't have the time to worry as his claws started to dig into his palms. His pace began to quicken, though he still faltered at every turn he made. It was like the streets knew something he didn't. Like there was some vessel of pure death awaiting the arrival of a clueless bird. His talonsteps didn't sound like they were his. Every little clack sounded closer to the viscous steps of the creature that sought Aero's demise. The shadows watched him scramble across the cold stone floor, he could see them watching. They knew! They knew what was coming! They knew what he'd done! And. They. Laughed at him. Silent cackles from the deathly shadows of the voidous street. Their nonexistent talons reached and clawed at him. They wanted to grab Aero and tear at his wings viscously. He could see them. Every shadow, ever empty space, every sharp corner watched him. Watched him as he sprinted down the dark trail that sought his horrific demise. It was like he could see the eyes of every bird he'd ever hurt, watching him with hateful spite in every fiber of their dim pupils. He could hear their empty voices, cackles and mutters. He could hear distant whispers, telling him everything he'd ever done wrong, telling him he deserved more than death. Saying he was going to face the most excruciating, painful fate any bird would ever see. Telling him he was a traitor, liar, feral, ungodly abomination to birdkind. Telling him his talons deserved no floor to stand on, that he did not belong on the Starry Feather, but in the depths of Otherplace.
He was sprinting so fast, he kept sliding into walls painfully every time he went around a corner. He wanted to turn back, to run, even to go back to the damned forest, but he couldn't. Death was following right behind him, and it wouldn't let him stop. He couldn't even spread his wings in the narrow alleyway, couldn't throw himself back into the comforting arms of the sky.
The whole world was against him right now. Every clawlength of dark Feather faultlessly desired the moment his actions finally caught up to him. The eyes were everywhere. They could see him. He could see them watching him. They were everywhere. Every stretch of shadow, every corner, every little gap between the alley walls. Aero was so fucking dead. Dead. Dead, dead dead dead dead, deaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddeaddead DEAD!

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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