Chapter 6

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As the summer was drawing to a close, Amanda and I went to register for school. It was pointed out to me that somehow, I'd slipped through the cracks when it came to vaccines. I was very overdue for boosters. Brenda was also coming due for hers, so Ron suggested we get them together. The Friday before school started, we had our appointment. I'd taken the whole weekend off to get last-minute school shopping done, and had been warned that the boosters would leave me feeling a bit sick for a couple of days. Amanda's parents asked if I would spend the weekend, since Brenda would be feeling the same way. They thought we could commiserate with each other.

Our appointment was at ten o'clock that morning. I picked up Amanda and Brenda, and we went out to breakfast. When we arrived at the clinic, the nurse insisted that Brenda be diapered for the appointment, in case she wet herself while receiving injections. Brenda was embarrassed. We were sitting on a chair in the lab. The nurse rolled in a cart with syringes, alcohol, and the other stuff needed for the procedure. Brenda was sitting on my lap, nervous and trembling, so I was holding her tightly. I spoke softly to her.

"Spud, I need you to be strong for me today. Can you do that?" She shook her head.

"Pumpkin, I'm not sure I can get through this without your help. I really need you to be strong for me." She turned around and pointed, first at herself and then at me, several times.

"You mean we need to be strong for each other?" She nodded.

"Okay, Spud, I will if you will." When the nurse was ready, she asked,

"Okay, who gets the first one?"

"I will," I said. After giving me a shot, the nurse went to give one to Brenda. She was kind of rough, pulling and twisting Brenda's arm. Brenda squirmed, making a little noise. I grabbed the nurse's wrist. My voice was low, and it suggested aggression. It was almost a growl.

"You be gentle with my little girl." I locked my eyes on hers, and what she saw scared her.

"She's your little girl? How old are you?"

"Yes, Brenda is my little girl. And I'm old enough to protect her." I looked at Brenda, and my tone totally changed.

"Isn't that right, Spud?" Brenda looked at the nurse and nodded.

"You call her Spud?" The nurse asked. "Don't you think that's a bit disparaging?"

Amanda got involved at that point. She was trying to be a peacemaker.

"Look, Doug and Brenda have a great relationship. She claimed him as her daddy. He's not her biological father, but he's fulfilling the role better than anyone could ask, or expect. Those two love each other the way a daddy and daughter should. She likes that he calls her Spud. It's his special nickname for her, and no one else is allowed to call her that. Also, he's fought to protect her before, so I'd heed his warning." Brenda was holding my arms, glaring at the nurse.

The nurse went back to work, gently giving Brenda her first shot. She wasn't so gentle with me, making it clear she didn't like my attitude or my warning. How dare I tell her how to do her job?

When it was all over, Brenda and I felt like pin cushions. We stopped for milkshakes, and an order of fries for Brenda. She was dipping them in my shake. We stopped by my house, so I could pack some stuff for my weekend stay in their home. While we were in my room, I let Brenda change into one of my short-sleeve, button-down shirts. She'd asked me nicely. She also wanted me to let her wear my T-shirts all weekend.

By that evening, we both felt lousy. We both spent the next couple of days napping off and on. We stayed on the sofa. Brenda stayed on my lap most of the time. She had her stack of favorite books for me to read to her. That little girl was getting spoiled. Amanda was never far away. She would bring us drinks and snacks as we were able to consume them.

The first day of school, the three of us left the house as a family. We dropped Brenda off at her day-care on our way. I let Brenda wear one of my short-sleeve, button-down shirts. It was more like a dress on her, but she insisted. Esther followed us, and added me to the list of people who could drop off and pick up Brenda from her day-care. That afternoon I went in to get her, while Amanda stayed back and watched. I spotted Brenda, called her name, and she came running. I picked her up and held her while I signed her out. The gal who came to help me sign her out asked me,

"Are you aware that you light up when you see Brenda, just as much as she lights up when you call her name?" We stopped for fries on the way home. After dropping them off, I went to work.

October was underway, and it was starting to get cold. The leaves were changing, and the days were getting shorter. Halloween decorations were beginning to appear all over town. I picked up Amanda and Brenda that morning, and when we arrived at the day-care, it was closed. A staff member was there, waiting for a plumber.

She explained, "A pipe broke under the hand-wash sink. It flooded the main area, so the building won't be usable today." Since none of our parents were home, and there were no other day-care options on such short notice, we had to take Brenda to school with us.

Amanda had decided we should share a locker. When we got there, we had to decide who would take Brenda, and to which classes. Brenda decided she was going with me, and that was final, because Daddy would keep her safe. It was an interesting experience, introducing Brenda.

"This is my daughter, Brenda. Her day-care is closed today, and we didn't have any other options, so today she is my guest." I was anxious about how my teachers would react. For the most part they just smiled at her, and said hello. During my first class, which was English, she sat on my lap and colored. In my second class, History, she was listening to the teacher tell a story from the early eighteenth century. Third period, she was sitting on my lap, "helping" Amanda and I do math. Fourth period, Amanda had an art class, so I handed Brenda off. She showed me her art at lunch, and when we got home it went on the fridge.

Brenda loved lunch. She was the center of attention, and french fries were on the menu. The usual questions about her being our daughter were getting old, but everyone seemed to see the love in our eyes when we talked about Brenda.

As much as the other students enjoyed having Brenda there, not all of our teachers were happy about having her in class. My fifth period class was Wood Shop. I gave Brenda a quick tour, introduced her, then took her to the library. Sixth period, Amanda and I had P.E. Brenda went with Amanda into the girls' locker room before and after class. The teacher wasn't happy.

"Mr Carter, because you brought your daughter, I have to scrap the dodgeball plan."

"I know, and I'm sorry. But it looks like most of the kids are already having fun running around the field, playing a sort of disorganized kickball with Brenda."

Seventh period was the most fun. It was Western Literature, and we were just starting a new book – C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Following the teacher's five-minute introduction, each student was supposed to read one page out loud. I was sitting in the chair closest to the door, the front left seat. Brenda was sitting across my lap, in her "Daddy, read to me" position. The teacher asked if I would read the first page. Out of habit, I did character voices, not even thinking about it.

I read the first page, and Brenda would not let me stop. I kept going and, after a few minutes, some of the other students were gathered around us for story time. Brenda had her head on my shoulder, completely content. I was still reading when the bell rang. One of the students pulled my phone out of my pocket to make a video, which I was able to show Amanda later.

Brenda's birthday is October 18th. We threw a party for her, with cake and presents. She wanted a daddy-daughter day with me, so we found a couple of activities in the area. She wrote a note saying that, more than anything, she wanted it to be official – for me to be her real dad. She was in a hurry for Amanda and I to be married, and have legal custody of her. We did take her with us when we went wedding ring shopping. That seemed to put her mind more at ease.

Halloween was fun for me for the first time. I guess the magic was seeing Brenda's enjoyment. The three of us had matching costumes. Brenda was a princess, Amanda and I were the queen and king. We needed to dress warm, so we were all wearing layers under our costumes. Brenda had a pumpkin bucket, and a small sign with 'Trick or Treat' written on it. She always insisted I go to the door with her. When we were done for the night, she passed out on my lap, and stayed there all night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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