Burning Love Part 9

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Shawn and Maggi are sitting at the kitchen table looking on their laptop looking at baby shower/gender reveal  ideas for the twins baby shower , while Maggi and Shawn are looking at baby shower ideas Maggi feels a little kicks from the twins and she happily gasps and says " Shawn the babies just kicked " then  Shawn says '' Really , let me feel " then Shawn says " really let me feel" then Shawn places his hand on Maggi's belly and then he feels two babies and Shawn says " oh my goodness , i can't wait to find out what genders are babies are going to be" and then Shawn kisses Maggi's  belly and then the go back to looking baby shower/ gender reveal ideas then the find one it's a baseball gender reveal, then the go to the store and get the stuff for the party this evening. The get back from the store and Shawn does the hanging on wall while Maggi calls everyone for the party and everyone gets there around 2:00 in the afternoon and the party starts everyone fills out a paper with guess of the genders of the twins while there eating , then Maggi and Shawn open baby shower gifts with help of their son Little Elvis and then it's time of the gender of the twins and Shawn and Maggi let Little Elvis hit the balls , Maggi throws the first ball and Little Elvis hits and it reveals Pink powder and Maggi says " it's a girl " and everyone cheers and then Shawn throws the second ball and Little Elvis hits it and reveals blue powders and Shawn says " it's a boy " and Shawn picks up Little Elvis . Maggi, Shawn, and Little Elvis hug and everyone cheers for Maggi and Shawn and then the party ends and everyone heads back home and Maggi and Shawn go work on the twins nursey  with the help of Little Elvis and after the get finished with the room, Shawn makes dinner and the eat dinner and then give Little Elvis a bath and put him to bed and the Shawn and Maggi take a shower. Shawn gives Maggi and back massage before the go bed and after Shawn gives Maggi the back massage, the cuddle and fall asleep. 

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