A Managers Magic

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Maggi a new and upcoming singer is heading her venue to perform with Cody Ray Slaughter a world-famous ETA, Cody is sitting in dressing room on his little couch in the room crying into the pillow in arms because he has just found out that his girlfriend cheated on him and says " i can't believe this she cheated me " and he lays his face in the pillows and cries more. Then Cody's managers  ( Tom) knocks on the door and Cody in a sad voice " come in " and Tom comes and sits beside Codys and puts a arm around Cody's shoulder and says" I know it's going to be hard bud but the only to get through break heart is start forgetting about it, hey i got a girl named Maggi booked to sing with you tonight during your show" then Tom pulls the booking tablet and pulls up Maggi profile and shows it to Cody and Cody looks down at Maggi picture and his tears stop right when he looks at the picture of Maggi and he feels his heart grow with happiness and love for another girl   and he says " she's beautiful " then Tom says " she's on her way here Cody so get cleaned and prepared for when she gets here " then Cody's Managers Tom gets up and leaves, then Cody gets up and get cleaned and dressed in the Elvis leather suit and goes backstage and waits for Maggi to be here  , Maggi is almost to venue Maggi Manager's ( Lily ) says " You ready Maggi ,  i heard Cody is the world best ETA ." Then Maggi says, " and I heard he's also a handsome man " and Maggi and Lily giggle and then Maggi's limo pulls up to venue from the back of the building and before Maggi gets out of the car, she gets changed into this outfit (Just love this dress, the floral print is so beautiful) 

for the show and then she gets out and walks inside to meet up with Cody and she sees Cody and her cheeks get warm and she starts blushing and Cody sees her and the same happens to him and she says shyly to Cody " hi Cody name is Maggi I've heard ...

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for the show and then she gets out and walks inside to meet up with Cody and she sees Cody and her cheeks get warm and she starts blushing and Cody sees her and the same happens to him and she says shyly to Cody " hi Cody name is Maggi I've heard a lot of you " and she sticks out her to Cody and Cody takes her hand he kisses her hand, and he says " I've heard a lot you too and I must Maggi you are so beautiful and your eyes hold so much beauty too, I can't wait to perform with you " then Maggi blushes even more after the kiss on the hand and Cody's sweet words and she says " why thank you Cody , i can't  wait to perform with you too "  and Maggi kisses Cody's cheek in repay for the kiss on the hand then Cody and Maggi go to green room and talk to each other and learn about until show time , then it's showtime. Cody goes first and starts the show and then it's  Maggi  turn to come out , Cody starts singing Elvis's song ( I Love You Because) and then Maggi joins in with spotlight turning pink on Cody and Maggi and Cody can see in Maggi's eyes that she is falling with him and Maggi can see in Cody's eyes that he is falling love with her and that the end of song  Cody gets down on one knee and holds Maggi's hands and says to Maggi " Maggi when we were in green room talking to each other listening to each other stories , i knew i had to have for my girl  , we will be my girlfriend." then Maggi says" what took you so long tigerman , YES CODY i will be your girlfriend" then Cody stands up and gentle takes Maggi's face in hands and Maggi wraps her arms around Cody and then the kiss and the cowards and then the finish the show and then meet & greet the fans and then the head home together as new couple. 

( we can all agree there was Manager Magic ;),  ) 

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