Chapter 12 - Everyone Knows

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Jeonghan : Now that everyone is out what do you want for lunch ?
Minghao : I will have meat and vegetables stir-fries.
Dino : I will have fried squid with spicy sauce.
Jeonghan : Wait ! Let's order kimchi fried rice for everyone.
All : Okay !

*Ring* *Ring*

Dk : Yes Mr.Young {Author - Mr.Young is the CEO of the agency Joshua and dk work in .}
Dk : We were about to eat . Why ?
Mr.Young : Oh so you two are together now ?
Dk : Yes sir and it's his day off so he can't work now .
Mr.Young : Both of you get here to my office RIGHT THIS SECOND !!

Dk said to Joshua they had to go right now it seems like it's urgent .

Joshua : But Dk you didn't eat anything , I already ate and came here .
Dk : It's fine let's go . Bye guys !

They both went to the agency . When they entered all were looking at them and whispering .

Dk : Hey Jessica !!
Jessica : Hi Dk are you doing good ?
Dk : Yes I am always doing good . But - (got cut off by Jessica)
Jessica : No I meant the hate coming toward you .
Dk : What ? Can you explain.
Jessica : You don't know ??
Dk : What ? You are freaking me out !!
Joshua : Dokeyom relax (puts hands on Dk's shoulder)
Jessica : I suggest you remove that hand Sir .

Jessica took Dk by his arm and went behind the counter.

Jessica : Joshua's ex gf got angry as she got canceled and blacklisted from the industry. So for revenge she followed Joshua around I guess , then today she posted a video of you and Joshua in the dressing room on the concert day and it went viral .
Dk : No no no !!
Jessica : 70 % of his fans are giving hate to you , 20% of his fans are showing support to the relationship , 10% don't care till you hurt him .
Dk : Shit ! I am doomed . Did my face get revealed ??
Jessica : It obvious did !
Dk : Oh ! Now I know why the CEO called us to his office , I have to go . Bye

He ran from there to the elevators . Joshua followed him .

Joshua : What were you both doing there ? *sulk*
Dk : Idiot ! We have no time to sulk .

Dk then told Joshua what Jessica told him on the way to the office . Both then entered the office.

Mr.Young : So , I am guessing you both know why you are being called here .
Dk : Yes we do sir .
Mr.Young : See I don't care about who you guys date but it should have been in private but your ex gf ruined it .
Joshua : What are we going to do now ?
Mr.Young : See our PR team already released a statement saying both of you two are together as the vid was an evidence and people are now 50 50 on it . Some hate both of you for doing that and some don't care but Joshua you have to take a month long hiatus for all of this to calm down .
Joshua : Fine with me .
Mr.Young : Listine Joshua you are no new to hate but dk is . I suggest both off you to keep low profiles and take care of eachother . Leave before paparazzi come here .
Joshua : Thank you sir .
Mr.Young : No son you saved me from bankruptcy and I am doing a really small gesture to repay back . Go fast . Bye ! Take care !!
Joshua : Sure ! Bye

Dk and Joshua went away . Joshua was driving while Dk was reading the comments . Many were hate comments they were like

"Ewww , He looks so ugly "

"Yeah don't know what joshua saw in him ."

"Our king deserves more ."

"Wow ! Congratson you relationship !!"

"His body hahahahaha "


Dk felt very sad . As soon as he reached home all of his friends were waiting for him as they also saw what happened through social media and found out . Dk was in tears now . He just put his head down and ran upstairs to his room . His friends wanted to go after him but decided to give him space .

Joshau : Dk wait !
Hoshi : Don't go after him .
Seungkwan : Let him be for sometime ,
Minghao : Then we can check up on him
Jeonghan : Consol him
Dino : Then make him laugh .
Joshua : But
Seungkwan : Wait !!!
Joshua : Okay

After sometime Dk's friends went to his room warning Joshua not to come until they are done . When the went inside the room the saw dk crying badly . They all hugged Dk and Seungkwan even cried a little . They made Dk quite down and relax a bit but they knew it's not their place to speak so they all after asking the permission of dk went outside and sent Joshua in closing the door . They all went downstairs leaving both of them alone .

Joshua : Keyeomie~~ don't cry please .
Dk : *sniffs*

Joshua then goes to Dk and hugs him and let's Dk cry on his shoulder . After a while dk finally spoke .

Dk : Joshua y-you are wasting your t-t-time on m-m-me .
Joshua : No I am not !
Dk : I am ugly anyways and I seduced you with my body , a gold digger  that's what I am an ugly gold digger . *chuckle*
Joshua : No Dk ! Don't let the dumb comment come in your head . You are beautiful , kind , naive , cute , funny , etc . I love you Dk for who you are . You make me smile even without realizing. I get jealous over you so easily which I will fix if you don't like it . I don't want a life without you in it . I can't leave without you . I wanna see you first thing in the morning but I can't because we don't leave together . I love you Dk I love you .
Dk : But the comments and some are hating you too . I ruined it for both of us . (Started getting anxious and overwhelmed)

Joshua couldn't stop Dk as Dk was going crazy. So Joshua kissed Dk on the lips making him quite . Dk calmed down a bit . Joshua the reassured Dk that everything will be fine . Then Joshua layed on the bed signaling Dk to lay beside him . Joshau the cuddled with Dk making him sleep as it was a long day for Dk . Joshua then carefully got up adjusted the pillow and the blanked switched off the lights and went downstairs .

Hoshi : He is here !!
Seungkwan : Where is Dk ? You asshole *punched him*
Joshua : Ahhhhh!! He is asleep !

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