Chapter 1

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Blue POV

"Please tell me that whatever you're making doesn't have netherwarts."

Blue cracked some eggs and mixed them in the bowl.

"There no netherwarts in here, Yellow. Besides, I need to grow some more anyway."


Just then, the door opened, and Mango, Purple, Red, and Ruben came in.

"Hi guys," said Red, " What are you making?"

"Just some eggs and bacon."

Ruben snorted in disapproval.

"Don't worry, Ruben, it's turkey bacon."

As he was about to pour the eggs into the pan, he tripped and spilled it all over Mango.

"Oops, sorry, Mango."

"It's ok," Mango sighed, "Just make sure to clean up the mess.

Blue heard some noise from the living room and realized that the TV was on.

"So that how you turn this thing on," said Green

"You guys don't have TV back home?" Purple ask

"Not exactly, " Blue explained, " We usually have to  step on Google and type YouTube with our hands and feet."

"Step on Google?" Mango asked, confused

"We lived in a computer, remember."

Blue watches Green flip through the channels until he comes across a car racing commercial

"That looks cool," commented Red

"Yeah, it does."

When Green changed the channel, Mango and Purple suddenly ran toward the couch.

"Wait!" shouted Purple

"Don't change the channel!" yelled Mango

They both ran to the couch, knocking Green onto the floor.

"What in the sticks were that all about?"

At first, Mango and Purple didn't say anything, but as soon as the car commercial ended, Mango noticed Green on the floor.

"Sorry about that," Mango said, "Got a little too excited."

"Explanation, please."

"Every couple of years, The Thunderbolts have a race car tour," Mango said. "Purple and I always missed it, but it looks like we might have a chance of going this year."

"Can we come?" Red asks

"Sure," said Purple, "The more the merrier."


"Blue, run!"

Blue couldn't see anything through the smoke as he ran from the fire

"Guys, where are you?"

He tried to yell, but the smoke was getting in his throat. He could barely talk, let alone yell.


Blue felt something hit him as he fell down to the ground. A pile of burning wood fell on top of him. He was trapped.

"Guys," he whispered," Someone. Anyone. Please help me."

As he lay there helpless, he felt the smoke thicken. The smoke burns as it fills his eyes and lungs. It became harder and harder to breathe. Can't breathe. Can't breathe.

Blue woke up sweating as he looked around his surroundings

It was just a dream

He was trying to catch his breath but was finding it difficult. He kept wheezing...loudly.

"Blue," asked Red sleepily," What's wrong?"

"Nothing," said Blue as he tried to sound normal," I'm just going outside to get some fresh air."

He got up quietly and went outside. The pressure on his chest began to disappear, and he could breathe again.

What was that, he wondered as he stared at the night sky.

S1 E5: The Stick CupWhere stories live. Discover now