Chapter 4

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Blue POV

"Come on, Green," Blue said, bucking up his seatbelt, "Do you really think that Second would cheat?"

"You can't trust Second in competitions. He'll do anything to win."

"On your marks, get set, go!"

Green took an early lead but saw Second catching up. He reached under his seat, pulled out a bottle of oil, and squirted it at Second's car.

"Green!" Second yelled as he slowed down

"Where did you get that?" Blue asked

"I actually found it under my seat just now. Got to improvise, right?"

"No! Not like that!"

"He started it. Besides, he'll be fine."

This is going to be a long day, Blue thought, groaning.


Yellow POV

"Seriously! Another smoke bomb."

Yellow coughs as he tries to steer clear of the smoke. Second and Green had been cheating the entire race. There were oil spills, smoke bombs, "accidents." The list went on and on.

"Are Green and Second always this competitive?" Purple ask

"Yes," Yellow sighed, "They would always try to outdo each other when we played a game or had a building contest."

"That must be hard."

"Maybe. But after observing them for years, I know they are about to take each other out in three... two... one."

A sudden "crash" happened in front of them as Second and Green's cars stopped.

"Oh, come on," said Second

"Seriously," said Green

"Now," said Yellow confidently. "We can sprint towards the finish."


As he drove to the finish line, he saw a dark figure by the bushes. He blinked, and it disappeared.

Ok, He thought uneasily. That was weird.

He saw it again; this time, it was clear: it was The Dark Lord.

No, no, no!  he thought, panicked. Not again! What is he doing here?

"Yellow! Eyes on the road!"

Yellow tried to swerve the car back onto the road, but it was too late. The car spun off the road and into the bushes.

"Purple! Yellow!" said Mango on the speaker. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," said Purple, "We're ok, Dad."

Yellow stood still as he stared at the place where The Dark Lord had been.

The Dark Lord was here. Why? Is he stalking us? Planning his next move?

"Are you okay, Yellow," Purple asked, concerned

"Yeah," he said quietly, "I'm fine."


Green POV

"You're not winning!" Green yelled to Second as they turned a tight corner

"Yes, I am!"

The two of them were neck and neck with each other. The finish line was in sight.

"Come on," Green says to himself, "Go faster!"

Suddenly, he saw a green glow from Second's car. The car shot forward as if given a speed boost.

"And that's it for round two."

Green jumped out of the car and marched toward Second

"What was that!"

"I'm not sure."

"Don't play dumb; you know exactly what that was!"

"I didn't do it on purpose! I don't know how to control it."

"Hey!" Blue said, "None of this would have happened if you two weren't cheating the whole time."

"He started it!" They both said

"Doesn't matter! You're both in the wrong."

Yellow walked up to Second.

"Even though it was technically wrong," Yellow said, observing Second, "It seems like your competitiveness triggered your powers and benefited you. That is so cool."

Green felt rage built up inside of him. How could they be fascinated with Second's powers right now?

"This is what you cared about right now," he snapped, "How Second's powers are so incredible. Seriously?"

"Look, I shouldn't have cheated. But I was telling the truth when you accused me of cheating the first time. And whatever my powers did, it was by accident. Why don't you believe me?"

Green stared at Second. He wanted to say something, but the words wouldn't come up.

Why don't I believe him?

He knew that deep down, Second was probably telling the truth. That he was right.  There was just so much anger in him right now that he didn't want to think of the reasons why he didn't believe him. He couldn't. Without another word, he turned and walked away.

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