Chapter 3

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Second walk over to Red and the race car he picked

"Great choice, Red."

"Thanks," he said, handing Second his helmet.

"Alright, racers, we have a special surprise. Welcome my new co-host, Mango!"

"Wow, I didn't know Dad's dream was to be a race car announcer," Purple said

"This is going to be an interesting race," Yellow said

Second saw that Mango was wearing a referee jersey and a microphone

"OK, guys! The race consists of three rounds. You will have twenty minutes to complete ten laps around the track. If you don't complete it in time, you will be eliminated, got it."

Red raises his hand while jumping.

"Yes, Red, I see you down there."

"What if we lose count of the laps we do?"

"The cars count for you," said the other referee

"Let the race begin!"

The gang hopped into their cars and got to the starting line.

"On your marks, get set, go!"

They were off in a flash. Second felt the rush of adrenaline as he zoomed across the track.

"This is so much fun!" He said to Red after a while, "We are so going to beat Green."

"Definitely," said Red, "Although I wondered what this button does?"

Second look at Red in surprise.

"What button?"

"This button."

Red pressed a button on the car's dashboard, causing a compartment of tools to open up. The tools flew out of the window and landed on the road.

"Red! We might have needed those tools!"

"Oops, sorry."

Second let out a sigh.

"Let's just finish the first round  before we're eliminated."

They crossed the finish line and met with everyone else at the pit stop.

"Umm, does anyone know how a bunch of tools ended up on the track?" Yellow asks

"Oh, I might have a hunch," Second said, looking at Red.

"Please tell us, Second."

Second look behind him to see Green and Blue coming up to him. He looks closer to see that Green was holding a metal nail.

"Why do you have a nail?"

"This nail punctured a hole in our car!" Green retorted, "And it looks like you threw the tools at us to slow us down. Are you cheating?"

"What! No, Red pushes a button that lets the tools out. It was an accident."

"Sure it was."

"No, I'm-"

"Remaining racers, get ready for round two."

Green glared at him before marching back to his car.

S1 E5: The Stick CupOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora