Chapter 5

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Blue POV

Blue noticed Mango running to them.

"Is everyone ok? What happened?"

"My powers activated again."

"Where's Green?"

"He stormed off."

"Does he always get angry like this," Purple asked

"I mean, he does have a temper," Yellow stated, "But I've never seen him this angry before."

"I'll go talk to him," Blue said

He walked a little way until he found a junkyard. He heard someone smashing something and found Green destroying the old junk with a rusty crowbar.

"You're ok?"

"Does it look like I'm okay!"

"No, it doesn't."

Blue sat on top of the hood of an old car.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No!" Green retorted as he smashed a car's windshield

"It will make you feel better. Promise."

Green pauses for a second.

"I don't exactly...know how to say it."

"It's ok. Just start talking, and it will come out naturally."

"Um...well...I guess it's just annoying when Second wins. I feel like I have to win all the time, you know."

"I can see that, but you have to remember that it's just a game. Bragging rights don't matter in the end."

"I know, I know. But when Second uses his powers..."

Green didn't finish his sentence. He gripped the crowbar more tightly, and his breathing quickened.

"Calm down," Blue said as he took the crowbar from Green, "Ever heard of the counting trick?"

"The what?"

"The counting trick. Whenever you are angry or anxious, just count down from ten."

Green gave him a doubtful glance.

"Come on, do it with me. Ten..."

They counted down slowly until Green was calm

"Thanks, Blue," Green said softly

"No problem," Blue said. He then sat up and stared at Green

"Honesty, Green, I feel like there is something else you're not telling me. You've been...I don't know, more angry since Second's revealed his powers."

"I...uh...nothing wrong."

"Yes, there is."

Green looked down to the ground.

"It's a stupid reason," he whispered.

"I'm not going to judge you," Blue said, "You got to open up if you want me to help you."

Green was silent for a moment, then looked up at Blue.

"I...I...I can't do this."

He slid off the car and started walking back to the race.


"Come on," Green said, his tone subdued, "The gang will be wondering where we are."

As he tried to catch up with Green, he worried about Green. What was he about to say? What kept him from saying it?

Blue felt his chest suddenly tighten. He tried to breathe but couldn't. For a moment, he panicked, then as soon as it started, it went away.

Ok, that's not normal.

"There you guys are," said Mango, "The last round is about to start."

"Alright, racers, this is the final round. Whoever crosses the finish line first will be the winner of the first fan race. On your marks, get set, go!"

The racers were off, and Blue noticed that Green was driving a little more recklessly than normal.

"Green, slow down."

"It's fine."

The car abruptly stops as they hit a bump in the road.

"Ooo, it looks like the end of the road for Green and Blue," said the referee

"Come on, Green. Let's get out of the road."

"No," said Green, his voice dangerously low.

"Why not?  There is no way we can win,  let alone catch up."

"I'm so sick of Second beating me," Green said, gripping the steering wheel, "I'll show him."

"Green," said Blue uneasily, "What are you doing?"

Before he knew it,  they were flying through the air.  Going so fast, everything became a blur.

"Green!  You're going to kill someone! "

"No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!  Give me the steering wheel."

"Let go, Blue!"

The car swerved left and right, narrowly missing cars.

"Second and Red are right in front of us! Slow down!"

"I can't stop the car!"

"Then jump!"

They jumped out of the car and heard a crash from behind them.

"Second!" Blue heard Green shouted, "Red!"

They ran to the car to see if Second and Red were ok.

"Please be ok," Green said

Blue wanted to say something, but his chest tightness had returned.

When they got to the car, a green glow came off of it. Blue saw Second and Red holding each other.

Second's powers protect him and Red.

"I'm so glad you're ok," Green said, "I'm so sorry! I don't know what got into me."

"It's fine," said Second, "I shouldn't have cheated."

"But I should have believed you the first time."

"Maybe," said Blue, his voice back, "this can be a lesson not to cheat."

Second and Green shook hands.

"I'm promised never to cheat again."

"Me too."

As they walked back to Mango's car, Blue found Green walking by himself

"You're ok?"

Green shook his head.

"I shouldn't have done that. I could have killed someone."

"But you didn't," said Blue, "Sure, you shouldn't have driven so recklessly, but it was an accident."

"Yeah, I know."

You just need to keep your anger in check.

Something deeper was going on with Green and Second. He just needs to figure out what.

S1 E5: The Stick CupМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя