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Nate has invited me out for breakfast. I am guessing this is our public debut. My driver drives me to the breakfast place. I walk in to already find Nate there, he gets up as I approach and we hug. I sit down opposite him.


“Morning, public debut?” he laughs

“Yes. How are you?”

“Good, good. You?”


“Good morning I am Jane what can I get you today?” we order our drinks and food. Jane tells us that she will be back with our drinks

“I finally talked to Nia and she told me that she is ok with this.”

“I am glad you finally talked. So no more hiding. I am so done being your dirty secret.” I laugh at his pout and nod. Our food is served and we eat with small talks. My phone beeps. I look at it

“We are trending.” I show him the picture of us

Norah of The GEMSTONES fame and Nate bass guitarist for Paper Stars seen having breakfast

“News travel fast.”  We sit and just talk until we eventually part. My driver drives me to my office. I first start on the first floor and greet Nia.

“Hi, Hi.”

“You look happy.”

“Yes, just had breakfast with Nate.”

“How was it?”

“Good. We talked and we decided to try things out.”

“Yes, finally. You deserve this.”

“Thank you.”

“We need to go on a double date. Soon.”

“Ugh… ok. Let me get to work. I am meeting a new client today who wants a social media handler.”

“That’s nice.”


I go to my office and have my meetings. I have a staff of five people we all handle different aspects of the company. I want to grow eventually but I am happy here. My biggest client is of course my sister.

I still hold on to the fact that we will all reunite one day and be one happy family. Despite what Nova did she is still my sister and I love her. Nyx will come around as well. It’s just Nyx is always quick to build up walls and move away from situations that hurt her. My thought process is interrupted by an incoming message

Come over for dinner

I hope you are not cooking. You know you can’t

Just come

I close up and everyone goes home. My driver drops me off at Nate’s in Manhattan. I get in and the house smells amazing.

“Where did you buy the food? It smells great.”

“Hello Norah, how are you?” He says standing in front of me trying to hide a smile

“Sorry, hello Nate. I am good thanks. How are you?” I say fighting a blush

“I am good. How was your day?”

“can we sit down?” he smiles brightly and nods. He turns away towards the kitchen I follow after taking off my shoes. I sit at the island.

“I asked a question Ms Miller.”

“It was good talked to Nia and she’s happy for us.”

“I am glad to know, that meant a lot to you.”

“Yeah but it makes me miss everyone else. You know Nia wants to get married but she doesn’t want to without Nyx.”

“Do you know where she is?”

“Nope but I know she isn’t in the state.”

“Want help finding her?”

“Yeah we can use all the help we can get because she does call home but the number always says restricted so there is no way of tracing her. You know she is the one person I want to find the most.”


“Nyx withdraws quickly and she recoils faster. She was always the one to kick everyone out quickly and builds up walls. So I know right now she is the one who was more hurt by what Nova did than me and Nia. I want to find her the most just to make sure she is fine and she knows that we love her.”

“We will find her and you will tell her that.”

“Thank you. So food ready?”

“Yes.” He dishes up and we eat.

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