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They are in Mateo’s private jet and it is about to land. Everything is ready for the announcement. They land and head to the room designated for the press conference. They find it full with reporters.
“Be as honest as you want to be Nova.” Mateo
"Thank you all for this.”
They are seated and one of the managers at Mateo's label was asked to direct the proceedings for the duration of the press conference.
“Right, thank you all for joining us. I am sure many of you have received the press release stating that Nova is officially signed to Tanzanite Dreams – which is Nyx’s record label.” Chaos erupts as everyone tries to ask questions.
“Can we please respect each other  you will get your turn to ask questions. Now I present Ms Nova.”
“Thank you Damien. As you all know I have signed a new contract with Tanzanite Dreams which is owned by my sister Nyx. It came to my attention that my contract with Redemption  ended four months ago and my manger did not notify me of this. So moving forward I have hired Nia and Norah Miller, my sisters as my new managers. Thank you.”
“Thank you Nova. Now questions. Yes miss with the red framed glasses.”
“Thank you, Nova does this mean you have parted ways with Odell as he was your manager at Redemption Records?”
“Yes, he was hired by Redemption  so when the contract ended our working relationship also ended.”
“Yes sir with a grey hat.”
“What does it mean for your personal relationship?”
“No comment.”
“Yes mem with a red t-shirt.”
“As you all will be working together, does this mean the GEMSTONES are reunited?” Nova looks at her sisters and Norah signals that she will take this one
“Thank you for your question. Yes we are reunited but not on stage. We are reunited to work together to help Nova go further.”
“I think that is all for today. If there are any further questions, you can send them to the company email and they will be responded to accordingly. Thank you for your time.” They all leave. She finally opens her phone to find multiple messages from Odell:
Why are the accounts frozen?
What did you do?
Where are you?
You better respond to me Nova!

She ignores them. She sees one from Stephen
Glad to see that you are back. Happy that you are taking charge of your life. Would love to see you soon.
They all sleep over at Nate’s house in Manhattan seeing as they cant go to Norah’sapartment. As they are sitting and watching TV
TV presenter – we bring you an exclusive interview with Odell Grey. Who was Nova’s manager and boyfriend. Welcome Odell
Odell – thank you for having me.
TV.P – so Odell you say you have a story to tell. The floor is yours
Odell – the fall of the GEMSTONES was all Nova’s idea.
The crowd gasps
TV.P – what do you mean?
Odell – one day she approached me stating that she wanted out of the group because she was tired of not being in the spotlight alone. She told me that she had recorded some songs alone and she wanted them released. I naturally helped her thinking that the others were ok with that

“You liar!” Nova screams at the TV
“Calm down Nova we expected this.” Mateo

TV.P – ok
Odell – Imagine my shock when I saw them together and they announced that they will be working together. As far as I understand the contract between Redemption , me and Nova is still valid. I don’t know what contract she was referring to.
TV.P – so right now she is in breach of contract?
Odell – yes and she is liable for a fine
TV.P – as we all know that you were both in a romantic relationship, are you and Nova still together? 
Odell – I love her, work is work it has nothing to do with our relationship
TV.P – well thank you Odell
Norah turns off the TV. “How could he lie like that?”
“He is trying to save himself here so he will do anything to make sure that you are seen as the bad person here. Breathe we have this under control.” Norah
“Thank you.”
“You are welcome.” Nia
“After discussing things with Mateo we decided to release your song tomorrow.” Nyx
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, life goes on and we know we are in the right. We can prove it. He can’t so let him act out, he can even take you to court. He will lose.” Nyx
“Should we draft a statement?” Asks Norah
“No then we will be playing into his hands.” Mateo
“Let us shoot a shot video of you talking about the song. Create some hype.” Nia. They shoot the video and post it on all social media networks. Receiving good feedback. 

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