The Fateful Reunion.

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Nolan and the others were on a beach. Not like the beach at home. They were in a whole new world. Or what it seemed like. This place is called Kurai Basho City, a place full of light... Well back in the days. Nolan woke up first thinking this was a dream, they were still on the beach. But that wouldn't make sense, wouldn't it? He cleared his eyes and looked and was staring at a distance. "Whoa... I'm- I'm in a whole new world!" He immediately woke up Zuno first, "Zuno, Zuno! Wake up!" Nolan yelled. Yet Zuno wouldn't wake up. Nolan put first thoughts thinking that he's dead. He was alone now. But Zuno woke up, Groaning. "Ugh... What happened?" Nolan smiled and said "Gabe! Get up! We are in a new world!" But there was no answer. Nolan thought he was still asleep, Nolan got up and went to get Gabe but then froze. He wasn't there. Nolan was blank. "Did we- Did we get separated?" Nolan almost broke down to a tear. But then he heard footsteps. He smiled thinking it was Gabe. But he was wrong. "Is... That you guys? Nolan... Zuno... Eric? Is that really you?" Nolan recognized that voice. It was him. Nolan got up screaming "Chance!" Nolan immediately hugged him and said "Where were you!!? Why... Why didn't you come back to us??" Chance replied with "I- I don't know how I got here... I was at the beach and it just...-" Nolan interrupted saying "Badly thundering and raining." Chance looked pale. He said "How... How did you know?" Nolan looked at him. Liked he has gone through the same thing. Chance looked at him. He didn't have to know. Now they are stuck here. With no parents. No one to look after them. Eric woke up, Zuno seemed to be injured. "Huh? W-where is Gabe?" Nolan looked at him as if had died. Or maybe he did die. Nolan doesn't know either. Eric said again "Nolan. Where is Gabe?" Chance said "Separated" Eric had a fear of this. He helped Zuno up. It was like his legs were broken. Chance looked at them and sighed and spoke. "Welcome to Kurai Basho City, surprisingly, means Dark place In Japanese." Chance said. "Dark... Place?" Nolan replied like they were in big trouble. Chance looked behind him. "Ah! Not these guys again!" Nolan looked behind him. It was like the monster-Ish thing he saw back at his world. But smaller. *BAM!* The monster went flying onto the sand. It faded. Nolan was scared. Eric thought none of this was real. Chance looked back and said "Quick, follow me, A wave is starting!" Nolan was frightened. Did he really have to fend for his life? But how? It seems like Chance had powers, but it wasn't confirmed yet. He started running faster than ever. And followed by Chance. Eric too, but just a little slow.

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