Pain in Akarui kurushimi.

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Gabe woke up. He looked around noticing he was somewhere else. "Guys.. I think we are in a.. New world?" But there was no answer. Nobody called him. Gabe looked around, noticing His friends weren't there. "Guys? Where are you?" He thought they already went without him, he sighed. "Eh.. Why wander around without me?" He took a look around. He thought that this place was big trouble. There was no doubt about it. He heard something behind him. He looked back in fear and saw the monster from the island but smaller. It leaped at him. *Bang!* It went back and Gabe was suddenly holding something. It looked like a key. Silver and yellow. He had no idea what it was. But he thought it was a weapon. The monster slashed back at him but Gabe strikes back. It faded away. "What... What just happened... Am I... Is this even real?" He looked around for help but there was nobody. He only heard the wind. He shivered. "Eric! Zuno! Nolan!" But nobody answered. He felt alone. But if he was going to defend himself. He had to come up with some tricks with this weapon. He went up the ominus stairs. "A shop?" He went inside. No one was there. A mark on the ground. "What's that?" He thought nothing about it. There were some more stairs. On the right was a dead end. The left leads to more stairs. He thought this place was haunted, abandoned. He took a left. Continuing the stairs. He reaches a point where a food market is there. There is nothing but a green drink. He thought of a potion, like in minecraft. He took it and saw a door before him. "Whoa.. second district?" He went through the door. Not knowing what he will get himself into. He opened the door. Finally he thought! A sign of life. But he was running. And that monster-ish thing leaped onto him and attacked him. Drops of blood came from him, more monsters emerged and started eating him, plunging him. He faded. Gabe was horrified. The monsters saw him. Ready to attack. The first one leaped so fast he got plunged. "Gh!" There was blood dripping on him, to the floor. He learned from his mistake and blocked. And slashed the monster. It faded. The other monsters ran away like they were in fear. He looked at this weapon. And tried to make an attack with it. He threw it trying to make it respond to him like a boomerang. But it just went far and went into the ground. A man in a coat saw the weapon, and picked it up. He went left and Gabe yelled "No! Wait!" He sped through the stairs, Even when the monsters were chasing him. He found a door. "Third district?" He stopped hesitating and went through it. He seemed relieved like he was safe. "More stairs.." He said, sighing. He went down to them and saw a man. The same man who stole his weapon. It was on the ground and he wasn't looking *snatch!* he swiped the weapon away from him. Looking at it like it was its guardian in shining armor. "Hey, don't go stealing stuff kid." Gabe looked at the man, "Hu-" a fireball rushed towards him. Thinking he couldn't block this, he dodged. "Wow! Nice timing Gabe." He immediately recognized the voice. It was Zuno. But why steal his weapon? And why attack him? It didn't make sense. "Zuno! Stop messing around! This isn't funny!" Gabe looked at him and he replied sarcastically, "Well it's not my fault that your parents are dead and probably Nolan too!" He chuckled like all of this was a game. But it wasn't. All of this was wrong. Everything was wrong! Zuno shouldn't be joking about this like we aren't in danger! Gabe started to shed a tear. But they were angry tears. He went into a battle pose "This isn't you! Snap out of it!" Gabe said as he didn't want to hurt Zuno. "Your heart belongs to the darkness now, Gabe." Gabe almost fainted. None of this made sense to him. *Shing!* He swung at Zuno, failing. Zuno used a fireball at Gabe. It burned him badly. Knowing he lost. Maybe his heart does belong to the darkness. Zuno opened a dark portal which leads to the deepest darkness of all. "It seems like your pitiful friend is here. Lost to the darkness. You die. That's the rules. You can save him before he dies. Which will it be Gabe? Will you be selfish and let your friend die? Or give up your life for another friend." Zuno said sarcastically. "Even if I lose to the darkness.. If I give up my life for Nolan.. What I'm doing is helping them finish the darkness. So... So I give up my life!" Zuno smiled at Gabe like he made the right choice. "Very well then. Go in. 'hero'." Gabe brought up all of the last light he could bring and sped towards Zuno. But he didn't attack him. He dived into the darkness. All in his heart trying to find Nolan. He started to think that Zuno lied. But then he saw Nolan. Sleeping within the darkness. Not knowing how he will save Nolan. He puts his weapon in Nolans hand. Giving him light. And power. He raised Nolan to Kurai Basho City, and he whispered to himself. "Heh... I'm sorry guys. I couldn't keep my promise." And he faithfully fell into the darkness. 

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