Summoner Vs Summoner.

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The trio arrived at the tower, they walked into the 5th level of the city, they walked through the door, the 5th door was in front of them, they walked through and encountered the dark summoners. Zuno, charged up a fire eruption, as he melted the dark summoners, as they advanced. A horde rises up more than 1,000 "What do we do?!" Cried Nolan. Suddenly all of them were erased. Mindless summoners in the distance. They vanquished the Dark Summoners But why? The Mindless summoners went away. With a person standing in the distance. "The names Axel. Got it memorized? A.X.E.L." The voice sounded like Zuno. "Evil twin..?"
Said nolan. "No it can't be. His name is Axel." Said Zuno. But he was wrong. "Oh! So it seems like we are getting well together! So... Guardians of light. Don't die on me now!" The shadowy person emerged and looked exactly like Zuno, As a fiery trial goes on behind Axel aiming for Nolan. Axel uppercutted Nolan with his steel chakrams. "Heh, that's gotta hurt!" Nolan goes flying back, having his face slammed. Blood all over him. His nose was broken. "Nolan! Holy shit you..." Zuno was getting that same pissed-off face again "Whoa! Calm down!" He hits Zuno and Eric with a fireball but it doesn't harm them. "For now you will have to separate!" He said laughing. Nolan was hit too. He just didn't notice it. "Hey now, here's the game. If you can get out of here without staying near to each other then you live! Cheat... And you die." Zuno tried hitting Axel but then he was knocked back. "Also, I forgot... You can't harm me." He smiled as he emerged into flames. Zuno was next to Eric as the games began. "Ah!" Eric exclaimed, he was burned for a short period but quickly went away from Zuno. Nolan got back up. Injured. Zuno realized if one of them gets hurt they can't help each other. They will be burned to death. Meanwhile.. Chance exclaimed "YES I'VE DONE IT! SUCK IT! Now I gotta help the others... before they get beaten to a pulp." Chance flew over to the others... "No! We are not leaving here! Gabe might be here and I'm not taking any damn Chances!" Nolan yelled. Zuno and Eric agreed and went their separate ways to find Gabe. Zuno took the left, Eric took the right and Nolan went forward. "Be careful, this is safe zone 5." Nolan nodded at Zuno. Eric was already gone. But Zuno and Nolan went separate ways. Nolan Could remember the place where Gabe was at. Safe Level 5 looked exactly like The place before Gabe, well, went into the shadow realm. "More Dark summoners" Nolan sighed. He slashed them all and faded. One escaped. Minutes went into hours. "Am I ever going to find Gabe here?" Nolan keeps on seeing points he might have seen through the vision but it just wasn't. At some times mindless summoners come up. A little bit of a problem but he got through them. He just sometimes thinks whenever a mindless summoner comes Axel is just messing with him. "A card?" Nolan said. After walking for so many hours, thinking the others have given up. He picked it up. It looked like a fire emblem. "Fuck you Axel." But the card wasn't from Axel. Nolan smashed it and crumbled it and ripped it. He continued on. "Hours, Dark Summoners, Mindless." He started to lose hope. "Was this not the place?" Nolan said. As he looked at his lucky charm. And looked at his. "Of course, these things don't work." But he still held onto them for some reason. He walked a little more. He saw a place. His heart felt like someone stabbed it. It was the place. Nolan thought. He didn't care if some things were off. There was a tower too, that he didn't remember being there, but he still went in. As he went in he had this ominous feeling, as he saw a... fox? That was standing? "What the hell... What the hell are you?" She turned around. A half fox, half human. "Oh hey there! Oh... It's just a kid." She had cards in her hand. Nolan was confused. Everything was just weird. Was the world like this? "Do you.. Do you know where my friend is.. Gabe.. He disappeared in this place." The girl looked at Nolan sarcastically. "You mean faded into pieces? Yeah, No." Nolan's face crumbled. "No! You don't get it! He saved me in that.. Deep-dark place!" She looked surprised. "Oh! This boy seems special! Too bad he's a puppet now. Also the names Sky." Nolan looked down "Is Gabe really dead?" He mumbled. Nolan got frustrated, he knew this person knows where Gabe is. "I know you fucking know where he is! Just tell me!" Sky looked at Nolans summon. "Whoa! Getting aggressive are we now? Well, just so you know.. Your going alone!" Sky raised up one of the cards that had a fire emblem on it. "Fire!" A huge fireball rushed at Nolan. He deflected it and threw his razor blade "protection!" Nolans razor blade broke. "Shit." Nolan tried to think of some magic he could use instead of attacking, but right before his eyes he saw a small blizzard rushing towards him. "Oh shit!" Nolan was freezing cold and damaged badly. "Heh, I told you are going alone!" Sky holded up a thunder card she was going to electrify Nolan. "Unless if we stop you!" Flames and electricity emerged. It was Zuno and Eric. Eric was hit by the thunder card but wasn't effective. "Just so you know. I'm basically electricity now." Zuno threw a fireball at her last card. "Now you can't do anything now!" Nolan was surprised at how he found them. And how they weren't burning. "How..- how did you find me?" Zuno holded up a card. "It was the card Chance given us. It allowed me to break the curse and find you just in the nick of time." Zuno looked at the sky and jumped high and slashed the Chakrams onto the ground. Flames followed by it, rushed towards the sky but didn't hit her. It burned her. "Gh.. and you thought that was the last of my cards." She pulled out the fire and blizzard card. "What?" Exclaimed Nolan. "Go to hell!" Sky yelled as she used both of the cards Zuno realized what was happening. She was going to turn them into obsidian. If Zuno stopped it with flames it would just make the flames roar more. "No!" *crk!* "Chance!" Nolan screamed. Chance falled back without motion. Because he was obsidian. Nolan quickly caught Chance before he crumbled and died. "You... You bitch!" Nolan screamed. Not holding back or hesitating. He dropped Chance carefully and stood up and looked serious. "You will die!" Sky smiled and said. "Nice fight! I call it a draw though because I'm out of here." *poof!* she turned into a card. Nolan saw a chance to crush it and rip it. He ran towards it but then it just vanished. "Come back here you coward!" Zuno looked at Nolan and looked back at Chance. "Uh Nolan. Chance is basically like a statue now.. What do we do?" Nolan saw flames emerge and saw Axel. "Oh well.. It seems like you cheated. Broke the spell. That's not so fun. But you get a reward: it's to die. .'' Axel formed a fire ring between them. Nolan has never seen fire rage this much. The flames roared. It raged in anger. Zuno immediately thought that you can't fight fire with fire. It just makes it roar even more aggressively. The only thing Zuno could do is fight him with his charkrams. But Zunos' chakrams would break, clashing with a steel charakam. Zuno's is only stone. Only Eric and Nolan could fight, "Bring it on!" Yelled Nolan. Axel and Nolan clashed. "Gotcha!" Axel threw his charkrams at Nolan but he clashed back. "Guess I have your weapon now!" Nolan picked up his weapon. Axel frowned. "Aw man, that's no fun!" Axel controlled the charkram in Nolan's hand. "I'm really good at controlling magic ya-know! After all.. I'm the devil in hell!" He made a firey string and choked Nolan. "Gh!" Nolan tried to do something. Like magic. "T-THUNDER!" A thunder clap raised on Axel. *Bzzpt!* "Gah!" Axel flew on the floor. Electrify sparks all over him and zapping him. "You damned bastard!" Axel made the flames roar even more. Making dragon faces and those dragons were not calm. "BURN BABY!" Axel yelled as he made a pose with the charkrams. A spiral of fire, going onto the ground. The next thing that would happen would put Nolan, Zuno and Eric at a risk of death. The spiral finally hit the ground. Fire grew on the ground, making it magma. Axel wasn't affected and Zuno. "Dance for me! Hahaha!" Axel laughed and stabbed his chakrams onto the ground and started to rest on them. "All of you are mere fish! Like when they are not on water anymore, they struggle... To breathe." Eric glanced at Zuno seriously. And grabbed Zuno's charkram and electrified it. "Use this to give this guy hell!" Zuno dispelled the other charkram and threw the summon at Axel. "You should be regretting being cocky as FUCK!" Axel stared at Zuno and the others one last time. *Bam!* Axel was hit by it and went flying as the charkram engraved into his body. "Ghh AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Axel's body slammed into the huge mysterious towers' walls. The fire went out but the building collapsed. *Bang! Boom! pow!* "Holy shit this place is going to the ruins!" Nolan yelled as the whole building collapsed on Nolan and the others. And Axel. Nolan blacked out and was alive. He wasn't sure about the others though. Nolan rose from the crumble. Nolan looked behind him and realized. "Oh shit! Chance!" Nolan teared up and he yelled out "CHAAAAAAAAAAAAANCE! CHAAAAAAANCE! WHERE ARE YOU!" Nolan went to his knees and cried. He couldn't believe he lost a friend that was gone for a year and found them. Just to lose them again. "How can I die so easily, Nolan?" Nolan looked behind him. It was Chance. He looked beat up but he was still smiling. Nolan tried to speak but Chance interrupted him saying "Sorry that I let you down. But you still beat him to a shit. He's not dead though. Right now he fucking killing the others right now." Nolan skipped a beat. "Then let's go!" Nolan rushed. Chance stopped for a moment just to say " I was only told to just to make sure you weren't dead... Ah, never mind that!" Nolan ran towards the flames that went to heaven and hell. And Chance followed Nolan.

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