The Frights at Kurai Basho City

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SLAM! The door swung so hard it made the loudest noise. Nolan was worried. What if Gabe was in this city? And we didn't know? What would happen to him? "Wha-what were does things?!" Chance didn't look back at Nolan responding blankly, "Dark Summoners." Eric stared at the chance not even realizing he had been missing for a year. "What Summoners?" Chance looked at Eric. "Dark summoners!" He yelled, quickly covering his mouth like he attracted them."What is even going on?!?" Eric yelled. Chance stopped in his place. Saying "It... It seems like things are a lot worse. A Lot worse...!" Chance Exclaimed "Fuck!" Bullets coming to the left, right, and south." Chance starts dodging the bullets. The Dark Summoners Got coated with a Dark, Crimson red outline, and got slammed into the ground. Chance looks at the bodies on the ground. "Did they... Evolve?" Nolan looks at Chance and exclaims, "You have been fighting these... Summoners for some time, haven't you?" Chance didn't answer. Like he had a real dark past in the last year. Nolan tried to get his mind off of Gabe so he wouldn't grief about him. Chance looks back "Eric behind you!" Eric looks back and immediately slashes the summoner. *Bzztp* Chance looked surprised. "What happened?" Eric looked at him and said, "did you... Did you kill the summoner?" Chance was shocked. Has he already developed a power? Or did I kill the summoner accidently? Chance thought. "Good save Chance." Said Eric. Chance looked back at the clock tower and realized that it was almost time. He looked at Eric and looked at the clock tower. "I think it's time." said Chance.

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