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BY NOW Y/N BEGAN TO FEEL, way too overwhelmed with the two men and the pair of eyes that stared at her from the table. She wasn't expecting the boys to approach her at all, and she didn't want to be rude to either of them, but she wanted them to know that she was in a rush since she didn't want to upset the Phoenix that went about his day, assuming that the girl would immediately follow even though she was still in place with her eyes darting inbetween the brunette and the ginger that stood in front of her. They had such wide smiles on their face that she started to feel even more guilty.

"Oh... That's fine, but.. I wasn't expecting this!" She tried to laugh it off before she whipped her head behind herself, trying to find any hint of the dark haired male that was waiting on her. Even though they were both on good terms, she still felt she had to be cautious, and that was most likely not a good thing. She shouldn't have to fear for her well being.

August took some steps closer to her with his own hands intertwining together while a blush formed against his soft cheeks. He looked like he'd just gotten hit by an arrow from cupid, but it still felt like only Gabriel could see that, "Yeah, it's a nice surprise though isn't it?"

All the women could do was nod her head up and down while she bit the inside of her cheek, wondering how much this would take of her time, but still feeling worried about the light haired teen that had visible eyebags underneath his eyes. She noticed that they were barley there before, so she decided to check up on him, "Yeah... H-How are you holding up..?"

There was something that came down on August. Like he went a little cold for a moment, his mind turning back to his now deceased mother, "I'm doing a little better. I still miss her a lot... And I hate thinking of all the memories I've had with her... I just wish they'd go away.."

Y/Ns heart ached as she pushed her arms out to the redhead, taking his hands in hers while she tilted her head, analyzing his innocent features as she did so, her heart fluttering at the sight of him glancing up at her with a loving look in his eyes, "Don't shut your memories out... Letting yourself be upset about something this serious is the best thing you can do for yourself right now... It's never okay to dismiss your feelings..."

"But what are you doing right now? I was thinking that... We could maybe catch up, I don't know..." Gabriel cleared his throat at the end of his suggestion, his glistening eyes looking down towards the floor while he tried to hold himself back from yanking the woman into his arms. He was so worried about her the whole time they weren't speaking because she was with Phoenix, and him hearing nothing about her except rumors made him feel scared for her even more.

Raising a brow at the brunettes words, Y/N let a hum leave her throat, unaware of the red haired boy that took more closer steps to her, his eyes still scanning her face as she stared at the other teen next to him, "Oh now you want to catch up with me? Why?"

Gabriel frowned with a huff passing his lips, his body slumping over a little as he crossed his arms, a slight pout now forming his face, "Because.. when I spoke to you, I realized that I actually did miss you."

For some reason, the H/C haired female actually felt genuine appreciation from the man, so all she did was look away, her throat clearing before she spoke up to both him and August at the same time, "Hmmm... Next time, I actually have to get going-"

Augusts mind quickly set to panic mode for some reason, and he was fast to pipe up with his arms snaking around her waist as he slightly pulled her closer, causing her E/C eyes to widen while he let out a groan, already getting clingy with her even though they weren't all that close yet, "Why? Lunch only just started...!"

She furrowed her eyebrows before she glanced over at the brunette that almost had a jealous expression on his look until he made eye contact with her, "Woah, August...! I.. I have some things to do... I can't really talk about it but.. it might be important, I don't know yet. I have to go see for myself."

"Wait, can I go with you?" The ginger questioned with his heart rate getting even higher and higher. He just knew he had a thing for her in that very second her eyes landed on him.

Both Y/N and Gabriel was confused by Augusts new and odd behavior. It wasn't like she minded it though, she was just a little confused because he was acting like he'd known her for years. Gabriel was also confused, but that confusion was mixed with a hint of jealousy. He knew he didn't have the guts to hug her, so he was shocked that he did when he got threatened by the other man that practically claimed her, "What? August, no.."

"Oh..." he gulped before he unwrapped his arms away from her waist, his adams apple throbbing in his throat before he put his arms back down to his sides, his heart now tightening in his body.

As if of queue, there seemed to be a new presence that came into the loud room, causing the four people to turn to irritated Phoenix that glared daggers into Gabriel, not even sparing August a glance since he automatically thought he knew his place. As he walked up to Y/N and her friends, her placed a hand on her shoulder before he yanked her so that she was standing beside him, "This is what you were doing while I was waiting for you?"

The male that just had his arms around Y/N let his lips part while his body slightly shut down as he fell into thought. He was so glad that the other man didn't see him hugging her because he already knew what would've happened.

"Huh- I.. I was just about to go to you.. Sorry, Phoenix.." her voice was barley above a whisper as she looked up at the man that still had his blue eyes staring at the brunette that puffed his chest out, trying to seem confident even though he was so afraid of getting a beaten by the other guy.

Phoenixes dry expression that laid out on his face made him so much more intimidating, and the little trio that also had the curly haired woman staring hated that look, "What are you doing here..?"

Quietly choking against his words before he finally spoke up, the brown haired teen shrugged for a split second until he saw Phoenix narrow his eyes at him even more, causing him to snap his neck to the redhead that basically had his eyes bulging out of his head, "I... I'm friends.. w-with August, and... He wanted to see Y/N for something, and I didn't want.. to be left alone...?"

The taller male felt a little betrayed as he took his eyes off of Gabriel to turn them on his friend, "What did you need from Y/N?"

August didn't want to trip over his own words since he knew that the slightest thing he did would set the ravenette off, so he thought of the most believable thing he could've responded with, "I wanted to know if she needed a car ride home again!"

"You didn't seem too interested in giving her a car ride before." Phoenixes voice was raspy as he kept eye contact with his friend, no movements coming from him at all so he could let him know that he was serious about everything. He knew that the ginger knew how much he loved to have Y/N obey him, so he wondered why he was breaking the rules.

Stopping his body from shaking, that's when the shorter friend chuckled loudly, trying to make the tension between them die down a little as he let the next words flow from his mouth, "Yeah, but that was before..! Now.. I know that she's nice! I can see w-why you like her. She's.. all yours!"

"Mhmm..." Phoenix shook his head from side to side while leaning back, his hand that was on Y/Ns shoulder now wrapping around her wrist, resulting in a squeak to come from her mouth before she felt herself being yanked once again, "Let's go."

August felt so bad for her and he wanted nothing more than to help her, but he didn't want to lose his friend or his dignity. He just stood there with sorrowful eyes as he watched the H/C haired woman get dragged by her wrist.

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