Ch. 2 (Un)trustworthy

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Y/N woke up with a groan and slowly sat up. She felt a terrible headache and put a hand on her head. In all her honesty whenever she wakes up after passing out, she does sometimes get an aching headache but never got used to it. The throbbing pain slowly faded which made her feel better. And to realize where she is. Y/N started panicking again and opened her eyes quickly. She noted it was just a dark and cold room, and she was under a thick blanket. But she also heard breathing to her left, so she reached out a hand and felt a small face.

'Is that Max?' Y/N thought.
She moved her hand up towards their hair and felt her fingers getting tangled in curly hair. Y/N smiled and turned to face a door. She didn't notice the door before. So, Y/N slipped out of the covers and tiptoed her way to the door so Max didn't wake up. The moment she put her hand on the door knob, a light shown under the door which made her jump.

Footsteps. She heard the footsteps of a man. He put his hand on the door knob and opened the door to reveal
Y/N. He smiled kindly to her to calm Y/N down. She put her hands to her sides and realised she wasn't wearing her coat. Y/N cursed in her mind as she slowly walked backwards. This caused the man to frown, but he stayed in the same place.
"I didn't know you would be awake so soon," for some reason, his voice calmed Y/N down. He slowly stepped forward and Y/N crawled onto the bed next to Max. "My name is Hannibal,"
he paused, inspecting how scared she looks, "I won't hurt you."

Y/N didn't want to trust this guy but he was acting so kind... How could someone find him hostile? Y/N picked Max up and shaked her gently. She slowly woke up and looked at her.
Max looked at Hannibal with a small smile. This made Y/N confused. Why is she trusting Y/N's enemy? Is he even considered an enemy anymore?

"What's your name?" He said.
Y/N looked at him, not processing what he said. "N..." He tilted his head in a confused expression. "What was that?" Y/N huffed, "... My name is Y/N
... This is Max."

"What beautiful names."

(413 words.)

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