Ch. 3 Overthinker Who?

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2nd Person POV:

Surprisingly, the man's cooked food tasted good. Well, you don't even know who he is, obviously. But you could've sworn it smelled like human blood, or you're just delusional because you've killed a few people today. Maybe he didn't cook it well enough, but you weren't gonna say anything about it.

So you're just sitting on his couch next to Max. You didn't know what show he had put on but Max loves it. You heard him walk over to the phone and your breath stopped.

Was he going to leave you?

Did he plan to call the police?

On YOU? Because you killed someone?

Did he not like you?

Cause you liked him.

"NO!!!!" You screamed while standing up. Hannibal was startled, "pardon?"
He said confusingly. "Don't... Call..."
You muttered. He put the phone back in its place and walked over to you. He smiled and said, "I won't call anyone right now,"
'"Right now?" Don't call anyone, ever! Never!'
Now that you're rethinking those words in your head, maybe you're overreacting a little too much? Why would he call the police on you in the first place? He could've done that when you were asleep!

You were having a whole conversation in your head that you didn't notice what he was saying, but you catched up on some words,
"... You need a bath, if you're comfortable with it." You blinked at him. You thought about Max. Then your parents. It made you cringe at the memory from when you killed mommy and daddy, their screams...
You wouldn't want to be in that situation.

"Y/N?" He called out. You looked at him in the eye and said a small 'yes,' before walking up to him and gesturing where the bathroom is at-
"MA...x?" You squeaked out.
He furrowed his eye brows, looking at you confusingly. "Hm?" You looked behind yourself to make sure Max was okay, and she was still watching the show covering her ears to not hear you two. "Is Max... Gonna be there? Can she be there?" A look of realization hit him. "Of course, I was gonna ask you if you wanted her to join or not when you were in the tub."
You smiled, knowing he still cared about Max. A small part of you is still not convinced and that he forgot about her, just like mommy and daddy.

Just like- mommy and daddy...

You repeated those words in your head, as if it were a new word taught to you. They must've really damaged you on purpose or accident if you keep spacing out by thinking about them...

(443 words.)

Magnificent Orphan (Hannibal x Child! reader) Where stories live. Discover now