Chapter 4 V

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My mind runs faster than my tiny legs as I speed walk to my next class. Did he really just kiss me? Why would he do that? Maybe that's normal guy behavior, I don't know, I don't talk to people. My cheek is still warm from his kiss. Ughhh, on top of that I'm late.

I have already memorized my whole schedule, all my teachers names and what I need for there class so I run straight there. I have really bad anxiety but knowing what will happen and having a plan comforts me. I fling myself into the classroom, a few people give me a look causing me to fidget nervously.

"Your late", says the teacher giving me a stern look.

"I got lost" I mutter, clearly lying. I've been going to this school for four years now, I know every classroom and teacher.

I sit down at a desk that is empty and look down at my clenched hands, wait.. oh no, I still have Blake's schedule. He didn't even know what second period he had, he undoubtedly doesn't know what or where his other two periods are. This is just great. I think irritated. Now I have to find him when class ends. I flatten the paper against my desk, he has chemistry next, then gym last. I guess we have gym together. I sigh, whatever. I might as well fold his paper correctly, my OCD shinning through. Did he even look at the paper when he was folding it. My goodness this poor paper deserves better.

The class passes slowly and smoothly but I can't stop thinking about Blake. Why does someone so annoying have to be so hot. He's kind of clingy. I give a little smile. No Tori I think to myself, I can't afford to like someone. High school relationships don't last. Not that he would want to get in a relationship with me, no one would really, I'm so awkward and boring. I look down at my desk kinda sad now.

When the bell rings I get up and grab my bag. I guess I'll go give Blake his schedule.

When I get to the Spanish room Blake is standing outside of the door. I don't think he can see me yet. I take this chance to study him. He is wearing black jeans, timberlands and a tight black shirt that accentuates his broad chest and shoulders and makes him look fantastic, he has a couple of bracelets on his wrists, silver rings on a few fingers and a few necklaces. He has a shaggy bark brown Mohawk that is longer on the top then in the back.

But what really gets me is his eyes. They are not happy and warm like they were this morning, they are sad and broken. I frown, did something happen?

I walk over to him and place my hand on his arm. He jumps slightly, like he was lost in deep thought. He looks up at me and his face turns into a mask of joy. His eyes change from desolate and lost to mischievous and joyful. What is he hiding?

"I had to wait here forever, for a second there I thought you weren't gonna come and you were gonna leave me sad and alone, lost in this big new place with no help," he pouts, bending down, resting his head on my shoulder and rapping his arms around my waist.

"Uhhh I- I brought you your schedule" I say digging into my pocket for his schedule while trying not to blush, he's so clingy and warm.

"What do I have next?" He asks, his breath warm on my shoulder. I shiver.

"Y-you have Chemistry next" I say placing my hands on his back. Maybe he just needs a hug, he was sad when I showed up. "You want me to walk you there?" I ask feeling kinda bad for him, maybe moving and having to change schools was rough on him.

He pops his head up from my shoulder, startling me, and gives me a crooked smile.

"Well if you insist" he says smugly. He takes his hands off my waist and loops my arm through his.

I roll my eyes and glare at his smug face. Well I guess I'm walking him to his next class too.

Once we get to his next class he turns to me.

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