Chapter 3 B

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I open my tired eyes and stare up at the ceiling. I let out a tired, frustrated sigh. I wish I could fall back asleep but I don't even try. I can't. I look over at the the bright red numbers of my alarm clock. 4:30. I got a whopping 2 hours of sleep. Insomnia sucks ass.

I sit up and throw my legs over the side of my bed. I might as well start my day. The floor is freezing, I already hate it here. I clamber to the bathroom, sleep deprived and miserable. I do my business then slip on a black shirt and a pair of black pants. I almost walk away from my dresser when my uncles annoyingly concerned voice pops into my head.

"Blake, it's been a year man. I know it hurts, but you have a whole life ahead of you, try to move on, I know that's an impossible request, but at least try."

I know he cares and all that but it isn't any less annoying. I grab my old necklace and slip on a few rings. Boom, there, I tried.

I walk into my new, semi-furnished living room. My uncle bought me this house in an attempt to help me move on. He said something about sitting in an empty house with so many broken memories wasn't helping me. He's probably right like always. I make a pot of coffee and sit down on my couch, alone, with nothing but my thoughts. I'll probably have to sit here until the buss shows up.

Yeah no, I'm not doing this.

I chug my coffee, grab my bag, slip on my black timberlands and zoom out my front door. My new neighborhood is small, quiet and surrounded by forest. It's rather nice. My last place was in the middle of the city, surrounded by constant noice. This really is a pleasant change.

I recently got a job at a small library. A library of all places. Just two years ago the thought of working at a library would have made my wild ass laugh. Things change, I guess.

I don't need the job really because my uncle is paying for everything. But I don't want to be a moocher or take advantage of his kindness. The sooner I can pay him back and not be a bother, the better.

I decide to walk to my new school since I have nothing better to do. Pelican Falls High is small and not close to here in the slightest. So I should be there by 7 something. The thought of a new school isn't exactly exciting but it could prove to be just the distraction I need.

I walk slowly, studying every house as I go by, I probably look like a creep but I don't care. All the houses are tucked away near the woods line. Some house are nice and expensive, others are quaint, but they are all together. Very different from where I'm from. In the city the divide between wealthy and poor is clear, not so much here though, everyone minds their business and just frankly doesn't care.

I pass two gas stations, one super market, a garage and a diner. There is nothing in this town. Two years ago living here would have been a unique form of torture.

When I finally make it to school, I'm one of the first people there so I decide to walk the grounds. I discover a neat trail that cuts through the woods. It leads to a small bridge with a bench. A small creak flows beneath. The sound of the creak paired with the rustling trees sounds like something straight out of a therapeutic sound track that a druggy would play while say ummmm over and over again.

Every part of the bridge is covered in fallen leaves but the bench isn't. Someone probably sits here often.

I make my way to the school building as the time nears 8. People bustle through the doors as I make my way up. I walk through the front doors and I'm instantly greeted with intrigued stares.

"You must be new." An older woman with a kind face and a thick Appalachian accent greets me, she must be the receptionist. "I heard there was gonna be a new kid in town, I didn't expect you to be such a looker, I bet you break a lotta hearts sonny," she cues, with a wide toothless grin and her old wrinkled eyes squinting.

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