C2: That Hurt...

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• Chapter Two: That Hurt...

She stared at me blankly and didn't slit my throat with the knife like I thought she was going to instead she scoffed "Полагаю, ты не понимаешь, что я говорю?". I still didn't understand what she had said "So uh... can you understand what I'm saying?" she instantly nodded her head yes. So she can understand me but I can't understand her... that's going to be fun... Wait... what if I use a translator app on my phone so she could talk to me that would work I think. "Can I get something real quick It's not going to be a weapon just something to help us communicate" She stares at me with an expressionless face for a few seconds before gesturing the go-ahead.

I begin walking to my room I feel the knife poke me slightly in the back through my shirt what is she doing?... We both walk to my room and when we get there I see my phone lying in the same spot on the desk that I had left it on. I quickly grab it and turn it on looking for the translator I feel Doll looking over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. I found the app turned around and held my phone out for her to take she grabbed it with the hand that didn't have the knife in it. "You can use that to translate-" I'm cut off by her moving the knife to my mouth and holding it over my mouth I could feel the cold blade on my lips. "Я знаю, что я не идиот, я и мой друг раньше им пользовались..." she says in a slightly sad tone. "So do you know how t-" "ДА, Я ЗНАЮ, КАК!" she yelled at me then brought the knife to my cheek and was close to cutting my skin...


I felt warm blood roll down my cheek she had just cut my cheek a little why did she do that... I was just trying to help... I saw her switch from the translator app to settings she changed the language of the phone and keyboard. She used the hand that she was holding the phone to type something into the translator and then shoved the phone into my hands. I look down at my phone to see what it says while blood drips down my face onto the floor and I see the words that were translated from Russian to English. Before I began reading what she had typed with my free hand, I put it on my cheek holding the spot that she had just cut with the knife to stop it from making a bigger mess on the floor of my room.

"Who are you, where am I, tell me now or you're cheek won't be the only thing bleeding and cut" I read quietly under my breath. I look back over at her and she's staring at me with the knife clutched tightly in her hand she looked like she was ready to attack me if I said the wrong thing. I took a few seconds to think about her questions I don't want to anger her again...

"Are you asking for my name?... or something else? And you're in my house..." She swipes the phone out of my hand and begins typing something again. Then hands me the phone I look down at it "Yes your name and if you're affiliated with JCJENSON" I read quite under my breath before responding. "Well, my name is Y/N and I don't know what JCJenson is..." she stared at me with a look of skepticism but then sighed. She set the knife on my desk took the phone out of my hand and began typing something very fast with her fingers. What is she going to type out?...

• ~ Author's Notes ~ •

That is all for the second chapter.
Hope you have a great rest of your day or night or whatever time it is.
See ya! :)

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