C3: Overheat?

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• Chapter Three: Overheat?

She continued typing until she stopped and stared at the phone screen she then deleted all that she had typed out and sat down on my bed. she looked down at the phone before turning it off and looking down at her reflection on the screen. She stared at her reflection frowning at it before setting my phone down on the desk next to the knife. Then an indicator flashes on her facial display underneath her right eye it says "Overheating... oil needed?..." Surprisingly it was in English... I was close to her face she looked confused. I let go of my cheek it wasn't bleeding anymore, I looked at my hand and it was covered in a little blood. I need to clean my hand and maybe get a bandage?... I then realized how close my face was to hers and immediately moved my face away from hers "Господи, неужели тебе действительно нужно было подойти так близко, чтобы прочитать это?" She points to the indicator.

"...I don't know-" I'm then cut off by her "У тебя, наверное, плохое зрение... в любом случае, у тебя есть масло?" She continues speaking in Russian as if I can understand her. She saw the confusion on my face... she stood up grabbed my phone, and quickly went to the translator app typing something up very quickly. She hands me the phone after typing I look down and read it out under my breath "Do you know where I can get oil? Because if not I'll overheat and die" I handed the phone back to her she looked like she trusted me a little... or she thought that I didn't seem much of a threat to her. "I think you can get some from a store probably?..." she looks at me with a frown and then stands up. Typing something into the translator before handing the phone to me and walking out of the room. I look down at the phone "I'll be right back" I read under my breath.

I put my phone into my pocket and walked out of my room into the hall looking for any trace of Doll but she wasn't there. I walk into the living and it's empty and the Tv is still broken well I guess I have to start cleaning...


I looked over to the area where the noise came from and it was Doll standing at the front door with a barrel of oil that she was using her power thingy to carry. The front door looked like it had just been kicked in it was mangled and looked beyond being able to be saved. You wanted to say something but remember that she could kill you in one second... Doll's body, and hair were sizzling and smoke was coming off of it. Was she overheating? She walked into the house the barrel following her she then made it to the living room where she set the barrel down in the middle of the room. "How did you get that?" She doesn't reply to the question instead she opens the barrel's lid and a strong smell of oil comes from the open barrel. She then walked to the kitchen grabbed a glass cup walked back over to the barrel and used scooped some of the oil into the glass. She began to drink it, I pulled out my phone and decided to go to the web browser and search up GLITCH's social media account and there was an announcement... "We are sad to announce that our ur Doll model has been corrupted and for some reason, we can't get her old model or make a new one that would look like her it would take too long so she's being cut out of the show... - Sorry again The GLITCH team" I read under my breath.

I looked up from my phone and saw that Doll was staring at me still with the glass cup in her hand she had a bit of oil sliding down her chin from her mouth. She had a blank expression on her face and staring at me she then dropped the glass shattering on the ground and her gaze switched from you to your phone...

• ~ Author's Notes ~ •

Sorry it took a while to come out but that's all for the third chapter. Hope you have a great rest of your day or night or whatever time it is.
See ya next time!!! :)

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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