Lets get it

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Well to start off heres a but if a back story . You would typically been based in hydra cause they are known for there shut but we are going off the rails. Ladies i present the company O.O.C Organisation Of Creativity (omg so creative of me 🤪) but this organisation has two sides of it the positive side being its models of technology it can create and show the audience. But jesus behind those curtains is brutal than what hydra does. The go above and beyond with experiments. They normally pick homeless people off the streets to experiment on but normally homeless people they gathered always had some sort of disease so therefore invalid for experimenting and it would kill them anyways.

So then they had to think for a moment. So where do u come in to all of this? I think you probably already guessed. Lets set this time back and twist up the avenger timeline to make it make sense. Where would wanda and pietro be? Well they both are with the avengers? Ultron?.. hes... alive. Where is he tho hydra must be done? Well hes with o.o.c ofc! Now where do u lie among this? Well u lie with being there little experiments!
Powers? Well guess u have the ability to go invisible, and energy manipulation but u cant do both at the same time as they can be very draining if done (you also have the ability to conjure up energy and use it like blast that shit yfm energy blaster but that goes under the energy manipulation category). U mastered your powers well the company gave u them and helped u but how did u end up there? Ill start it off next chapter where i begin the story because this is getting fairly long i did say short but oh well!

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