Chapter 4 - New Life?

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After a week you were let out but were to be supervised since you are still in recovery but would at times half beg to be able to free roam as u didnt like stayin in bed all the time, but during the week you got to know all the members of the avengers and got along with them pretty well. Now as the week came by nat came to you as you finally took a step out of the room for the first time, looking around then to her as she then motioned you to follow her to what seemed to be the lounge of where everyone hangs out at, smiling as you see most of them there you all had a talk before tony spoke up

Tony:"we do not have a room ready for u yet y/n so you could possible bunk in with someone else for time being if thats alright?"

Y/n:"oh yeah sure i wouldnt mind"

Nat:"well i think it qould be great if she shared room with wanda considering they are same age"

Wanda would be sitting on the couch next to pietro, staring at you. You couldnt help but notice that she was staring into you alot

Y/n:"oh yeah sure i wouldnt mind!" You smiled a little

Wanda:"yes.. come y/n ill show you our room" there she stood up walking towards you and would grab your wrist gently, making you walk behind as she guided you out the lounge room

{Marvel POV}

Nick would enter the lounge with agent hill by his side holding a stack of papers before going to the coffee table and setting it down

Nick:"alright listen up.. where the hell is everyone?" He says looking around only tony, thor, hawkeye, Pietro, steve and nat is there

Tony:"banner is down at the lab, wanda took y/n to see the room" he would be sitting by the counter, looking at the stacks of paper before getting off his seat and would walk towards them "and then whats this?"

Nick:"those are reports and court hearing with the official press, we pushed out further investigation towards the company seems they have done a lot of things with goverments full awareness and now after this was examined through the goverment is arrested currently along with the head of the company which they managed to capture. The president has to be involved now along with other higher ups and do i need you, the rest of the gang and y/n to be there in two days, y/n especially they need to ask her questions and also theres a chance she would be charged and arrested too."

Everyone suddenly looked shocked as nat spoke up quickly

Nat:"hold on y/n arrested? Shes just a captured civilian! Nothing more than just a scared kid who has been taken advantage of why would they do such things but not this to wanda and pietro?!"

Agent hill:"look im aware of the frustration this will cause and we have tried to speak with them but if she doesnt come higher chance she will get arrested and sent away to prison. So we are just stuck with the 50/50 chance right now but thats why we need you all to come along to stand as witnesses to defend her. Because they are real angry at anyone whos involved in this already being betrayed by the goverment."

Tony would let out a sigh and shrug "okay no issue, we got this"

Steve:"tony u look like u are not taking this seriously."

Tony:"you are right im not this isnt hard. Not the first ive been in official press hearings so when is it nick?"

Nick would stand there with his arms cross "in three days. At 3pm."

Tony:"okay then, later on after dinner we will all sit down in the meeting room and talk about it."

Nick would nod and silently leave with hill his last words being "im leaving this in your hands for now then tony"

A Difficult Life. (Wandaxy/n)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora