Chapter Five - "Here I Go Again" (Rose)

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A/N It's been awhile because I didn't have any inspiration, and I was waiting for people to read this story buttt...



'Cos I know what it means

To walk along the lonely street of dreams

An' here I go again on my own

Goin' down the only road I've ever known

Like a drifter I was born to walk alone

An' I've made up my mind

I ain't wasting no more time 

"Here I go again" - Whitesnakes


Rose's P.O.V.

I kicked an empty can with my foot a couple of metres further. It was plenty dented since I have been kicking it a pretty long time. The sound of the can hitting the pavement echoed through the street. It was deserted and dark. The bright lights that had guided Thomas, Jack and I to the bar were now off and everything looked haunted. I don't like admitting to myself that I'm afraid because it just makes things worse but I really, really didn't like this situation at all.

Why am I such a pretentious little child? Why did I have to be dramatic and storm out of a bar like I knew exactly what I was doing? I'm so fucking stupid. 

The answer to the second question is easy really. It was just a build up, and I exploded.

I didn't even want to go to Cinello's to begin with. I didn't want to wear that stupid dress. But I had because of 'The Deal' I didn't even want to make. My parents suck. I suck. But Thomas takes the crown. He sucks. Ass.

So I wasn't much looking forward to going out but a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. I'd much rather just wear my favourite comfy sweater, make myself some tea and go read or draw or write infront of the ocean. Anything really. But instead I got dragged into town by two calleous bastards. 

I was cold the whole way there. My dress was way too flimpsy, but going in sweats and a t-shirt wasn't allowed, I think. When we got there I was wondering why they had even invited me along. I mean wasn't I just going to sit there, and watch them pick up girls? But no, I didn't even have time to sit before they had already picked up two - I don't know what to call them. Pigs maybe, but that would be an insult. To pigs. 

They were so stupid, I was wincing. One was called Cynthia but the could call her Cyn. Like sin. Are you fucking kidding me? If someone would say that to me, I'd burst out laughing. Listening to it was hard enough. I was sure that Thomas wouldn't fall for that, but sure enough he took her to the bar and without even sparing me a glance told me to get drinks. LIKE I WAS A DOG.

Needless to say I was fucking pissed off. When I asked for whatever drink he wanted some guy even had the nerve to touch my ass. By then I was ready to kick off, and he just granted me a reason. I hit him where it hurts and made sure he wasn't going to have children untill he was atleast thirty. You're welcome unfortunate slut he was going to go home with tonight. At least you guys won't have to use a condom.

And right after that, Thomas saw it fit to come over. After all of that shit, he ripped his eyes from Cynthia Sin's boobs and spared a glance at me. The anger returned in full flare, and before he could say a word I hit him, straight in the face. I hope that hurt, asshole.

Was my reaction jealousy? Or just sheer stupidity? I'd love to tell you it was the latter, but I'm kinda thinking it was the first. Yeah, I was jealous of that barely dressed pig. I mean eventhough all I'd get from Thomas was negative attention, it was attention nonetheless. So maybe, I couldn't stand not having his attention. 

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