Chapter Six - "My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light 'Em Up)" (Thomas)

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A/N I put up the epilogue of DD so go check that out! Um, that's really all except that I'm on break (not from writing just from school, but I'm super busy so this will be the last update in a good week, maybe two. I LOVE THIS SONG THOUGH. I put so many lyrics because everything just relates to Thomas. When you're reading this book go look at the lyrics, seriously they explain alot about the character that I didn't have time to write, or didn't fit in the story, so do it for me! <3 



"And besides in the meantime, I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart

I'm in details with the devil

So now the world can never get me on my level

I just got to get you out of the cage

I've got the scare from tomorrow and I wish you could see

That you're the antidote to everything except for me

A constellation of tears on your lashes

Burn everything you love

Then burn the ashes

In the end everything collides

My childhood spat back out the monster that you see" 

"My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light 'Em Up)" - Fall Out Boy


Thomas's P.O.V.

Ah, Thaters Street. My natural habitat. Please observe the way it smells like death and piss. The way obvious hookers were just stalling on corners and the way sleezy guys ready to sell you anything were just slightly hiding in the shadows. It was my favourite street in New Heppercod - "Beach City". 

It was by far the darkest street in Heppercod. Heppercod was the small beach city closest to our cottage. There were two bakeries, one small supermarket and one club/restaurant/bar all rolled in one. That would be Cinello's. 

That was probably the most accurate description of Heppercod. I should become a tourguide. But I'm not going to so let me stop right here.

Why am I in Thaters though? Well it held the only tattoo shop in Heppercod. Also I wanted to freak out Rose. That was my mission this summer wasn't it? 

I held my side of the deal, she should hold hers. And sure enough, after thirty minutes of Jack and I waiting because she was getting ready, she showed up and we were walking along Thaters. Every two seconds she'd pull up her nose. Not in a snobby way, more in a disgusted way. If I weren't used to it after hanging out here during the summer when I was sixteen, I'd do the same thing. But back in the day this is where I'd spend all my time, and this street may partially be the reason why I was such a dick.

We finally arrived at FabulASS Tattoo Shop. My friend Antonio worked there, and besides being in a very shady place, he was very hygenic and professional. He had tatooed my chest last year. Rose hadn't seen it yet, luckily because she'd freak, but I wanted another one close to that area. So, guess it was time for her to find out.

"Wait. I don't actually have to get a tattoo, do I?" She asked me eyeing the shop terrified.

"Sure you do. But don't worry, I'll go first." I reasured her.


"Yeah, that's why we're here, dumbass. What did you expect?"

"You can't! I'm supposed to be helping you become a better person... Getting a tattoo will not convince your parents, nor mine!" She was still yelling at me. She had taken a few steps towards me to get her point across. We were now face to face, and neither of us was backing down from this one.

It's Your MoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon