Chapter Nine - "All To Myself" (Rose)

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A/N: Here's another update... READ READ READ and COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT Thank you :) The more comments and reads I get the more inspired I am to write... Just saying :) 

I'm still having the comment contest people, but you're all really displeasing me with this. 



"I'm losing sleep and this is my real life

I'm half asleep, and I'm wide awake

This habit is always so hard to break

I thought you wanted me

'Cause I want you all to myself

I can try to suck it up,

I just can't suck it

Make me feel like someone else

I just can't decide what I'm running from

This isn't what I wanted"

"All To Myself" - Marianas Trench


Rose's P.O.V.

Who the fuck does she think she is?! 

Let me tell you something, gurlllll. That bitch just came walking in like she owned the motherf*cking place. How about no. 

Yes, I do realise I'm not a black ghetto chick so technically I'm not allowed to talk like that nor think, but she just drives me up the wall! I'm so angry!

I bet you can guess who I'm talking about. It's not like it's hard to miss it. I mean she's so obnoxious you'd probably know she's close in a ten mile radius. Urgh!

That's exactly what happened though. When we returned from Hoovenburgh I felt uneasy. The more we came closer to out cottage the more uneasier I got. Might I just add that the roadtrip was freaking useless. I was already pissed off because I missed a day of reading and tannning for a really long trip for nothing but alcohol. But then I had to discover that Thomas was texting this mysterious person that was actually a girl and ugh... I'm confusing myself now. 

So let's get on with it. We arrived at the cottage and Thomas jumped out of the truck and sprinted to the house and Jack and Chelsea stayed in the truck to do I don't even wanna know... Those two really were something. They were constantly, but legit CONSTANTLY flirting but they'd rather die than admit they might just like eachother. Typical.

This situation meant that I was left alone to unload the bags of alcohol. Joy. I carefully picked up the two bags full of bottles and threated over the sand slowely. If I dropped these hell would be unleashed and I didn't need this day to get even worse.

I entered the house and my arms were shaking because apperently wodka and gin are like really heavy. I didn't figure that in my calculations.

"Berrier! Could you take over?" I shouted at Thomas who could oviously hear me eventhough he was around the corner.

"How about no?" He shouted back.

"What do you mean no?! Just come over here and freaking help me!" My arms were killing me and my patience running out as I screamed this.

Then I heard a giggle. What? I sure as hell didn't giggle and Chelsea was way too far to be heard. Did Thomas just giggle?! Was he even capable of that.

"I believe he said no... Are you like deaf?" Someone spoke up. Not just someone. A girl. Da fuck? 

"Excuse me, but who are you?" I put the bags on the table and went to Thomas.

"Your worst nightmare, honey." This bitch had the nerve to say.

"Care to introduce yourself?" I tried to stay polite but failed miserably and just glared at her.

"Lucy, local bitch, home-wrecker, etc." She told me smugly while sizing me up.

"Want to tell me what the fuck you're doing here? Because you're welcome to leave anytime." I told her shocked.

"Oh, Thomas didn't tell you? I'm staying here for a while. Just untill the end of the summer." She said and looked at Thomas. I did the same thing, hoping he'd back me up but no, he was just staring back at her like she was the greatest thing after chocolate. Somehow this caused my heart to sink just a little. Why?

"Um, Thomas, what is this?" I asked him.

"Didn't she just explain?" He returned my question. Not in a mean way just kind of confused.

"Urgh!" I screamed and stormed off.

"Oh, sweety, I know why you're like this. You're just jealous. I'm sorry I'm coming between the little thing you and Thomas had, amen't I? I can't help that though!" She shouted after me, and I could just hear the smugness in her voice. 

"There isn't a thing between us you dumb bitch!" I screamed from the top of the stairs.

"Sure, sure." I heard her muttering. What infunerated me was what she said after. 

"Now where were we before she so rudely interrupted?" Lucy asked Thomas. Surely he wouldn't fall for that.

"I don't know, you tell me." He replied. Then I heard sucking sounds.

I guess he did.


Next morning I hadn't sleepen at all and I was so damn tired I did the one thing I promised myself I wouldn't do ever. I put on my jogging shoes, put my hair in a ponytail and ran. Alot.

When I was exhausted and couldn't physically take one more step and sat down to think. What the hell had happened?

First of all, I guess I didn't hate Thomas anymore. Very much dislike, but not hate anymore.

Oh who the hell am I kidding? I liked the way he annoyed me. I liked that we hated eachother. I like teasing him. I liked that special little thing we had. But did this mean I liked him? It surely didn't.

Why am I so upset that Lucy was here? It didn't mean that Thomas and I couldn't be friends anymore did it?  

I guess I just really didn't want to share him. It's just so unfair! This is just my nose being pressed up into reality. And it stung.

Did I really think I had a chance with him? Did I really want to be with him? But did I honestly believe he'd go after me?

Maybe I did.

Did though. 


 A/N I know I made this seem longer than it really was. Shame on me... 

Next update will be when I get alot of comments on this chapter :D


Peace out moffo's


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