Yandere Ghost Boy Child x Male Reader (Halloween Special) (Platonic)

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Ghost Boy Child Name - George

M/N Pov

Moving into a new town having enough of the city life wanting to life a more quieter life with my son as his mother didn't want him so now he's all I have and will make my top priority. A whole week past and as I was washing the dishes in the kitchen watching my son outside playing but some reason it looked like he was playing with someone making me curious but it could wait until we had our afternoon meal as long as I could see him everything would be alright.

Finishing my meal I look at my son who was finishing "you like it here S/N?" "yes!" "I see good" "I made a friend too" "did you? we haven't talked much with the neighbours though" "no he lives here with us" "what?" "yeah he shares the room with me he likes the stories you read" "what's his name then?" "George" I nodded a little freaked out but maybe it was just an imaginary friend of his. I kept thinking that until I asked the neighbours where they told me the story of the family before me they had a boy called George but they all died in a fire a few months ago.

Since then I couldn't sleep thinking about the incident but there was also laughter of a young boy and it was driving me insane. Getting up giving up on sleep and as I was headed downstairs I hear the voice of that child "where are you going daddy?" turning around I see the George the ghost friend of my son's "your real?" "of course I am but you didn't answer my question? are you leaving me?" "I'm just getting a drink" with that I continue trying to ignore him as he hummed following me "hey daddy, you love me too right?" "I don't know you, your confused im not your father I'm S/N father" "but why? I want you to be mine too" "that wont happen" "it will happen, you'll be my father not S/N" "don't hurt him!" I yell out but he was gone with the sound of his laughter.

Everything seemed normal after that making me relieved thinking it was all a dream until I noticed it my son acting strange especially his eyes his E/C changing to a bright emerald green the same colour that George had thats when I had to ask S/N about it. "do you still play with George?" "no he said he hated me" "I see" "I want him back dad!" "maybe it better this way" "he told me there was a way he would forgive me" "what is it?" "it's a secret he said" "I need to know S/N I think your in trouble" "but I-I" watching him stop and go limb I try shake him awake when I hear the familiar laughter coming from him.

As he stands straight I recognise his eyes right off, "George, what have you done?" "you'll love me now right, this body is now mine he let me in after all" "give S/N hos body back I wont ask again" "no! I'll be your son I'm more better than him you'll soon forget all about him never noticing the difference!" I go to argue but I see smoke leaving his mouth I try leave but he grips my wrist tightly not letting me "you'll be my daddy wont you?"

Yandere Male x Male Reader Book 5 Where stories live. Discover now