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"We're here-" Nanon look around him with Gemini behind him

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"We're here-" Nanon look around him with Gemini behind him. He look at the paper again and the place, he still doesn't believe Tay been lived here for a while.

"hyung, what we're going to do now?" Gemini asked.

"we're walking from here- we can't drive to go inside the village. I'll asking people around" They're both take their backpack from the minivan and take a walk to the village leaving their minivan at roadside.

"hyung-" Gemini called him and Nanon rolled his eyes when he called him like that. Gemini fiddling his shirt as his eyes looking at the people selling breakfast. They're looking at people selling chicken glutinous rice and Nanon can't help to take out his money from his wallet.

"buy for 2 portion- buy something edible" Gemini squealed happily and goes to the seller to buy anything for Nanon and him.

Nanon waited Gemini as he look around him. Yes, this place was peaceful and calm, there's nowhere like city at all. People were around doing their own activities and kinda busy with their own thing. Nanon hugged himself due the coldness hitting him in the morning and he whipped his head to look at Gemini.

Eh? Where is he?

He walk to the seller as his eyes still searching for Gemini. "excuse me, where's the boy who buy your glutinous rice from you just now?"

"ah- someone dragged him, I thought they're his friends. He doesn't even take his takeaway yet"

"shit-" Nanon's feet ran to search someone who dragged Gemini away and he swarmed into the pool of peoples in the market.
"I don't have anything-" Gemini holding his bag tightly because its his treasure. One of the bad guy grabbed his bag forcefully and zipped open his bag.

"tsk- what is this fuck you carry around?" Gemini seeing they're throwing away his shirt on the bag one by one until they're saw his necklace.

"look valuable" they're laughing seeing that.

"you're from the city, you think you can fool us! I know you're rich!"

"no! That's not me!" Gemini cries a little when they're start to punch him. Another punch was about to hit Gemini again before a hand grabbed it from behind.

There's Snake Eyes tattoo was appeared.

Nanon look at them with his murderous eyes. "you're wrong person. Give him back his necklace"

They're laughing and one of them keep the necklace while smirked at Nanon.

"you think you can beat us, city boy?" they're laughing again and this time Nanon cracked his head and fingers.

"I need a second to take back the necklace. Gemini, close your eyes and turn around. Count until 30"

Gemini shivered as he turn around slowly and started counting.

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