Chapter 6: Half-Siblings

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Season 17, Episode 8

"Lily's 15. She walks home from school by herself," A concerned dad walks Elizabeth and Sonny through his house with his wife following them.

"But she's never late, so I called her principal, who said she was out today," She says.

"And her cell goes right to voice mail."

"Something's happened to her. I know," She cries.

Sonny tries to calm them, "Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, let's just back it up, all right? When was the last time you saw Lily?"

Mr. Evans tells them, "This morning. She left at 6:15."

Elizabeth asks, "Why so early? Is she apart of a before school club?"

He nods, "Swim team practice at Asphalt Green. We called them. She was there. Left around 7:30."

"What about friends? Boyfriends? Any place she might go?" Sonny asks.

Mrs. Evan's shakes her head, "No, we called everyone. Nobody's seen her. She just...vanished."


They move up to Lily's room, "You said you called her boyfriend?"

"Peter. He's more like a friend. They've known each other since pre-K. He hadn't seen or heard from Lily all day," Mrs. Evans tells them as the two detectives look around.

"Is this her iPad? What's the password?" Sonny asks.

"She doesn't have a password."

Sonny shows the lock screen, "Yeah, she does," He looks at the picture on her desk, "What's her cat's name? Her-her birthday?"


Fin and Mike show up to the house, "SVU gets called to missing teens now?"

Elizabeth explains to the Sergeant with a small glare, "Mrs. Evans is a clerk at the DA's office. She didn't want lights and sirens outside. You know where connections can get you when asked," She turns and heads back to her partner who was going through the iPad.

Sonny is there first, "Hey, Sarge, glad you're here."

"What is it? What did you find?" 

"Hey, you said that your daughter's friend's name was Peter?" Sonny asks.

"Yes, but he said he doesn't know where she is."

"Lily ever talk about a guy named Diego?" 

Mrs. Evans shakes her head, "She doesn't know any Diego."

Sonny shifts a little, "Yeah, she does. Um, she was texting him some photos this morning. This is Diego. Do you recognize him?" He shows them the iPad and his picture. 

"That one that Lily knows. I'm sure."

Mike says, "How about we track him down and ask."


Back at the station, Elizabeth interrupts Mike's meeting with Olivia, "Lieutenant, Sergeant. This is Peter Best. Peter is close with Lily. This is Lieutenant Benson and Sergeant Benson."

Mike nods, guiding him into the office, "Thanks."

TAU Omega Fraternity House
39 Stuyvesant Street
Tuesday, October 6

The team waits for Diego as one of the frat brothers let's him in, "It's quiet."

"NYPD! Put your hands up! Put them up!" Fin yells, as Sonny strides forward and cuffs him.

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