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Observe your surrondings and hopefully you change your mind

Hanni's POV
My eyes landed on her lips.. I can't stay here longer I said in my head, what is this feeling? It's not love.. or hate.. it brings bad feelings to my stomach.

Could it be jealousy..? No why am I jealous. She's with nobody but me right now nobody else near us. What the fuck Hanni pham!!

I tried escaping this place until I feel a soft grab on my wrist,

"Where are you going?" She asked, does she really care?

"M-my mom wants me home.." Shit I stuttered DAMN YOU PHAM HANNI. I hope she didn't notice.

I finally took the chance to get the heck out of there until I reached my home, opening the front door just to meet an empty house.. I'm glad it was empty right now otherwise my parents would be questioning me every second they could get, instead I ran into my room settled my stuff down and sat on my chair beside my desk.

Does she like me..? Or was it because she was curious.. UGH I DON'T KNOWW I thought hard.

Just a moment before my brother barged in the room poking the bubble of my thoughts,

"Hey little demon" He pointed his chin at me. I swear hes like satan just spawning out of nowhere!

"Heyy you know I'm older than you!!"

"By one year but you still can't act like it" He stuck out his tounge to retaliate.

"Says the one who has no friends but his sister" I stuck out my tounge instead he chased me around the bed laughing,

"Where even were you lazy pig?" He asked while trying to chase me,

"With friends that you don't have!!" I giggled at his efforts trying to catch me.

By the time he finally caught me we were both out of breathe,

"Dude get off of me you fattie" I pushed him off of me, false, he was not fat I just liked teasing him.

"Rude I'm telling mom!!" This 16 year old kid seriously needs to get friends that it's not a joke... although I might know someone VERY VERY WELL who could be a very good 'friend'..

I love my brother.

*Next morning*

"Hanniii wake up" I hear my brother say shaking me awake,

"Just.. a few more minutes.." I mumble still half asleep, PPANG a sudden slap on my cheek.

"OUCH! What was that for!?" I groaned in utter annoyance at my brothers antics.

"For calling me a fattie" He just left the room and I rolled my eyes rubbing the red spot he slapped.

Mom and dad were on a business trip so it was just me and Jake at home. My brother, (And Danielle my bsf), is the only one who could unleash my inner extrovert child that just shows how much I love them. But alone for months with him? Honestly, it wasn't even that bad because what could go bad? Him getting friends and bringing them over every day?.. I shouldn't jinx myself.


I took a quick hot shower thinking about Nameless and what happend yesterday.

She hates me.. I thought. Still, part of me felt her concern or maybe it was just my delusional imagination...

It didn't take long for me to finish and do everything I needed, drying my hair, putting my uniform on, adjusting my tie, and.. Ta daaa! Nothing special just another boring outfit I wear everyday.

"Jake!!" I shouted waiting for a reply for my dear brother,

"What the hell do you want!!" He shouted from the kitchen.

"Im going to school now!" I made sure this little kid knew where I was going, so he doesn't cry because he misses me HAHA.

"Wait! I made some toast come eat some!" I guess I could eat some because I have like 30 minutes left..

"Here if you want spread go check the top left cabinet and find what you like."

"Awwh younger brother loves and cares for me so much?" I teased,

"Aishh, don't make me regret making you toast"

"Dude, you just put bread in the toaster it's not that hard really." I laughed at him frowning in embarrassment because hes a weirdo.. cutie pie!!.. I mean- whatever it doesn't matter because it's Jake.

"I'm actually going early so see ya' later alligator!!" I shouted out the door.

I ran to the nearest park since I had a lot of time left and I kinda wanted to relax there, but it looked like it was already occupied by the girl called 'Nameless'.. Why do I keep running into her? This is such bad timing ugh.. I groaned
I see her staring at me, Shit.. did I say that out loud? I made sure this time it was my THOUGHTS speaking and not my WORDS instead. She quickly put on her airpods again and began reading her book as always of course. She seem unfazed.. I guess she does mind me here? I wont stay then. But before I knew it she was already walking up to me. Wait- SHE'S WALKING UP TO.. ME?! WHAT THE-

"Can I take you out on a date..?"

Don't get TOO excited.., AND VOTE EVERY CHAPTER😡!! (Twist of events muahaha)

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